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Deleted posts for: infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.-.-.---------------.----.---2------...-.-.----.---------------------.-.--------.----------------(b­anned)

  1. #1
    false. t­rump won.

    go ahead and explain why the mainstream media is censoring all the confirmed fraudulent voting.

    if you want some entertaining reading...look up their excuse why a 118 year old who died in 1984 managed to vote...and the knee-deep bullshit reasons. only a commie-pinko would believe such idiocy
  2. #2
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Just a reminder since Lanny likes to get drunk and play god.

    that stupid fuck stole the idea from another site whos mods were getting tired of moderating arguments between b­iden supporters and t­rump supporters.

    everything about that estrogen junkie is plagiarized or stolen.
  3. #3
    Originally posted by Sudo your denial and made up reality is delicious. I bet you are crying and scared, like you have lived so much of your life before and with no end in sight. It does not get any better from here for you. You are going to die how you live; very feebly

    i cant convey the literal laugh your post invoked. the hilarity of the depth of your delusions is priceless. that is literally a DSM mental malady...delusions of grandeur.

    youre not permitted any further comments or replies until youve explained why the mainstream media is completely censoring valid examples of voting fraud.

    i even gave you one example out of many.

  4. #4
    Originally posted by Sudo Hey futureman I hope you had a good day. I miss you, can you call me later? I'll be having a bath and I want to hear my ringtone while I'm in the bath but I don't want to get my phone wet. I will bath from 9:17 est to 10:53 PST. Thank you hunny. Hearts and Muahs!

    post nude selfies, nigger
  5. #5
    Originally posted by Sudo fuckin HTS has made some illuminating posts ITT. It's funny that we've watched him/her/he/she transition right before our eyes.

    If HTS wanted to be my friend it would be my first tranny friend. I think I have a friend of every ethnicity I can think of, except Mexican but if I could my quarta porta ree ree BM I have that covered

    the only friends you have are the ones your mother pays for
  6. #6
    Originally posted by Fox Imagine cis-splaining trans issues to a trans person lmao. You cisgender straight male chauvinist swine

    speak english you retarded faggot
  7. #7
    Originally posted by Sudo The only possible solution is to go full finny and spam cock and act extremely victimized and butthurt whenever possible

    This is a wesbite run by an admin who's been the best since literally Jackoff Hunter. He's not perfect but who tf cares? You take it way too serious due to being a complete fucking failure at life.

    Literally crying for MORE moderation and LESS jokes by the admin. You are sub spectral and Daguru tier and this is not how adults of totsien lineage should be behaving on the internet

    lanny is literally the 2nd worst admin ive ever come across since the first dial-up non-internet BBSs i was on in the early 80s.

    censoring or word f­iltering syntax is immature and is not the purpose for which the feature was designed. that estrogen junkie is flagrantly abusing it

    to say nothing about his obscene levels of hypocrisy.
  8. #8
    i still want someone to explain to me why...if there is no fraud...the mainstream media is censoring all the examples of fraud so hard.
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