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Protesters (Anti Trump) already starting shit

  1. #1
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Biden is ahead but they're already looking for a reason to get free shit and cause trouble.

    2 Shootings with 2 people hit in West Oakland. 1 just blocks from the other

    Security Guard was shot by looters who burglarized a Cannabis shop near OAK airport while trying to get free shit

    looters hitting stores in East Oakland as well. because ?? Trump hasn't won yet or lost.
  2. #2
    Good. I hope they destroy more stuff in this shit country. Biden will win but that its at all close is disgusting
  3. #3
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Good. I hope they destroy more stuff in this shit country. Biden will win but that its at all close is disgusting

    the closest call by thousands of votes was between Kennedy and Nixon. I think the second was Bush and Gore in 2000

    The one between Trump and Hilary was very close. Hilary was sure she won but somehow Trump pulled it off

    this is in the top 5. seems strange the nation is this equal in division. Maybe it has to do with One person talking and the closest person to them wants to be the opposite side. lol a chain of challenge.
  4. #4
    A chain of pain
  5. #5
    Bugz Space Nigga
    I'm watching the news right now. LOL@ Robocalls. What pieces of shit would do this? sounds very much &TOTSE'esque like the "FUCK OFF" digital sign hacks. Anyways a robo voice is telling people "Emergency, Stay in. Do not go outside. Stay in and stay safe" or something close to this.

    Does anyone know who did this? were they ever caught? it seemed to have happened in England a few years back. a British Musician I know posted it on his facebook page. Said FUCK OFF in a sliding digital marquee on the famous store "Harrods"? i think it was Harrods.
  6. #6
    Originally posted by Bugz the closest call by thousands of votes was between Kennedy and Nixon. I think the second was Bush and Gore in 2000

    The one between Trump and Hilary was very close. Hilary was sure she won but somehow Trump pulled it off

    this is in the top 5. seems strange the nation is this equal in division. Maybe it has to do with One person talking and the closest person to them wants to be the opposite side. lol a chain of challenge.

    Hilary would've won in any reasonable Democracy.

    A lot of the mail in voted haven't been counted yet also. Those will probably push things blue
  7. #7
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Hilary would've won in any reasonable Democracy.

    A lot of the mail in voted haven't been counted yet also. Those will probably push things blue

    they can be post closure counted but from what I understand, The State of PA and 5 other states have past similar laws. with PA being the one that is setting off Trump allowing an extension in the 8pm deadline to vote at the poll centers.

    I feel Trump will lose his argument because of Covid. I think if you can argue it's OK to continue to count mail in that may not have made it by 8pm Tuesday, why should it matter if covid had kept people from getting through the door at the ballot centers this year. it's a special circumstance year.

    If Trump wins, Get ready. You should have bottle water and food like you would through a Earthquake Preparness or Hurrican etc.

    We have this 30 year canned dried food I have been to scared to try. also I opened the coffee can size food and tried to vacuum pack them but air got into the bags. about half of them. Yet they're freezedried so Im guess they're ok to eat if it comes down to it.

    The reviews on the food varied. From "This taste better than most I'v tried" to that of "Gave me really bad gas and "Camp Fever" (Diarhea)

    there is some "Pork fat and freeze dried Eggs" I have made like 20 serving in vacuum sealed. I was thinking of boiling one for gigi and I to try and throw it on a flour tortilla and make a breakfast burrito out of it to see if it's more tolerable.

    but this is less than a month worth of meals. buying canned foods is bad idea because of the amount of salt they use to preserve.

    so "food is food" is a lie. unless you try and fast between every 2-3 days to clean yourself out by drinking only water on those days?

    Has anyone else prepared or is a prepper? I seen people jarring beef stew. it is the most dangerous thing to do it says on the video. If you don't follow the video to the T you can die from some meat born illness. Typhoid or some shit.
  8. #8
    Originally posted by Bugz they can be post closure counted but from what I understand, The State of PA and 5 other states have past similar laws. with PA being the one that is setting off Trump allowing an extension in the 8pm deadline to vote at the poll centers.

    I feel Trump will lose his argument because of Covid. I think if you can argue it's OK to continue to count mail in that may not have made it by 8pm Tuesday, why should it matter if covid had kept people from getting through the door at the ballot centers this year. it's a special circumstance year.

    If Trump wins, Get ready. You should have bottle water and food like you would through a Earthquake Preparness or Hurrican etc.

    We have this 30 year canned dried food I have been to scared to try. also I opened the coffee can size food and tried to vacuum pack them but air got into the bags. about half of them. Yet they're freezedried so Im guess they're ok to eat if it comes down to it.

    The reviews on the food varied. From "This taste better than most I'v tried" to that of "Gave me really bad gas and "Camp Fever" (Diarhea)

    there is some "Pork fat and freeze dried Eggs" I have made like 20 serving in vacuum sealed. I was thinking of boiling one for gigi and I to try and throw it on a flour tortilla and make a breakfast burrito out of it to see if it's more tolerable.

    but this is less than a month worth of meals. buying canned foods is bad idea because of the amount of salt they use to preserve.

    so "food is food" is a lie. unless you try and fast between every 2-3 days to clean yourself out by drinking only water on those days?

    Has anyone else prepared or is a prepper? I seen people jarring beef stew. it is the most dangerous thing to do it says on the video. If you don't follow the video to the T you can die from some meat born illness. Typhoid or some shit.

    Uh, there's no deadline for counting the votes. Trump says there is, but there isn't.
  9. #9
    cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Hilary would've won in any reasonable Democracy.

    A lot of the mail in voted haven't been counted yet also. Those will probably push things blue

    Again, theres reasons we are a constitutional republic you dumb faggot. There are way more retards (democrats) than smart people so do you want retards deciding the next president
  10. #10
    Originally posted by cigreting Again, theres reasons we are a constitutional republic you dumb faggot. There are way more retards (democrats) than smart people so do you want retards deciding the next president

    If thats your definition of retards then yes, absolutely. Democrats are the majority. The majority should decide. That's how a democracy works. Less than 30% of Americans even voted for Trump. Hitler won with a similar percentage
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