2020-11-04 at 6:31 AM UTC
CNN claims Trump is still 170 plus while Biden is just 30 EV from winning
Fox shows trump is way closer
NBC is saying Biden has 203 but trump has 207 EV
Now Trump is about to go on TV or Tweet regarding people were voting way after closing time in certain states and that they were trying to steal votes.
2020-11-04 at 6:38 AM UTC
Trump son, always the answer.
2020-11-04 at 6:47 AM UTC
Trump is pissed off at 6 states. PA is allowing an extension on casting ballots tomorrow
they're not counted tonight and so He feels some hanky panky shit is going on by the Democrats trying to cheat the vote.
Now CNN finally updated their EV to match that of NBC which shows Trump really close and also showing Biden's number dropped from 237 to 220 where Trump is 7 behind at 213
2020-11-04 at 6:50 AM UTC
Trump wins son, save yourself greys. Like 2016 reversed.