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Why do you dislike Trump?
2020-11-03 at 7:46 PM UTCWhen presented with this question, people who dislike trump rarely have anything to say about what the guy actually did or didn't do while in office. They always come up with generic reasons, citing his character or things he says, etc.
It seems to me that in general, especially with younger people, the more they hate trump, the less they can actually explain why. I don't ever hear anybody talking about his policies/doings and how they compare to those of other presidents. Why is this? People just seem to parrot the media slander campaign, without actually looking at/comparing his actions.
Anybody notice this, or am I just imagining things? I only keep up with political events/policies that have to do with constitutional freedoms, so maybe there are other aspects that I am missing?The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-11-03 at 7:49 PM UTCHe's the only president in the 30 years I've been alive who couldn't accurately be described as a war monger, and my inner neo-conservative can't stand that. Won't somebody please think of Northrop Grumman.
2020-11-03 at 7:57 PM UTCedited for privacy
2020-11-03 at 9:49 PM UTCHis position on taxation and trickle down economics are proven conservative failures shown by the state of the country as each republican president leaves office going back to the Reagan administration.
He backs redirecting funds in the military budget that benefit the MIC and takes away from what could be done for servicemen and women.
He panders to the religious right even though he has a long history of donating to liberal figures before deciding to run on the republican platform.
He has shown no respect for the professionalism that should be required as POTUS. Acting on Twitter like a preteen girl who was dumped a week before prom. Being someone who avoided military service yet claiming to know more than US generals. Conducting himself like the largest snowflake of all in the face of even the slightest negative press.
I could go on for days. Anyone that respects the man should die, be reincarnated, and try agin.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-11-03 at 10:51 PM UTCthe answer to op's question is that they, are,
eh meh rican. -
2020-11-04 at 12:23 AM UTCThey don't actually hate Trump, they hate you. The only reason they hate Trump is because he's all that's standing between you and them.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-11-04 at 12:35 AM UTC
Originally posted by Meikai He's the only president in the 30 years I've been alive who couldn't accurately be described as a war monger, and my inner neo-conservative can't stand that. Won't somebody please think of Northrop Grumman.
This is RIDICULOUSLY untrue. Are you literally forgetting the whole begining of this year?
Also OP is retarded and doesn't read. This is a bad faith thread. He doesn't actually care about what others have to say. Hence he pretends it doesn't exist.
He's gonna come back with insults if anybody actually says anything bad about Trump. That's how Russians operate -
2020-11-04 at 12:37 AM UTC
Originally posted by larrylegend8383 His position on taxation and trickle down economics are proven conservative failures shown by the state of the country as each republican president leaves office going back to the Reagan administration.
He backs redirecting funds in the military budget that benefit the MIC and takes away from what could be done for servicemen and women.
He panders to the religious right even though he has a long history of donating to liberal figures before deciding to run on the republican platform.
He has shown no respect for the professionalism that should be required as POTUS. Acting on Twitter like a preteen girl who was dumped a week before prom. Being someone who avoided military service yet claiming to know more than US generals. Conducting himself like the largest snowflake of all in the face of even the slightest negative press.
I could go on for days. Anyone that respects the man should die, be reincarnated, and try agin.
Amen brother. Trump is a piece of shit. He's destroyed this country and is a threat to Democracy. What a surprise that the goddamn Russian supports a man trying to indefinitely extend his term limits. I am so surprised. -
2020-11-04 at 12:40 AM UTC
Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace This is RIDICULOUSLY untrue. Are you literally forgetting the whole begining of this year?
Trump blew up an Iranian general this year and started precisely 0 wars in the process. Any other president from the last 30 years would have done the same, then formally declared war and marched US troops into Iran for another war of regime change. Trump has somehow, despite one might argue were his best efforts, managed to avoid getting America entangled in any large scale conflicts during the entirety of his presidency... so far. *shrug*The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-11-04 at 12:42 AM UTC
Originally posted by Meikai Trump blew up an Iranian general this year and started precisely 0 wars in the process. Any other president from the last 30 years would have done the same, then formally declared war and marched US troops into Iran for another war of regime change.
Because COVID happened. Nobody's trying to start a war right now. This isn't like 1918. -
2020-11-04 at 12:47 AM UTC
Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Because COVID happened. Nobody's trying to start a war right now. This isn't like 1918.
Sure. Maybe. And maybe Trump knew that, which is why he seized the opportunity to assassinate Soleimani now, when there was little chance of it escalating to a full-scale war.
Point is, he's done marginally better in this regard than any president in the last 30 years. No new wars. -
2020-11-04 at 1:39 AM UTChes a fucking niggerThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-11-04 at 1:43 AM UTC
Originally posted by Meikai Sure. Maybe. And maybe Trump knew that, which is why he seized the opportunity to assassinate Soleimani now, when there was little chance of it escalating to a full-scale war.
Point is, he's done marginally better in this regard than any president in the last 30 years. No new wars.
This is like saying a rapist hasn't raped any new people. So hey guys, he's really not that bad of a rapist! He's a good rapist, actually! -
2020-11-04 at 1:49 AM UTC
Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace This is like saying a rapist hasn't raped any new people. So hey guys, he's really not that bad of a rapist! He's a good rapist, actually!
In the context of this metaphor, America is the rapist. And yeah, it's not exactly high praise for you as a nation that it's commendable when you manage to go 4 years without raping anyone. The sad truth though is that it is commendable. And Trump is responsible for that.
America isn't a force for good in the world. Trump has done more than any president in my lifetime to change that. -
2020-11-04 at 1:53 AM UTC
2020-11-04 at 2:06 AM UTC
Originally posted by Meikai In the context of this metaphor, America is the rapist. And yeah, it's not exactly high praise for you as a nation that it's commendable when you manage to go 4 years without raping anyone. The sad truth though is that it is commendable. And Trump is responsible for that.
America isn't a force for good in the world. Trump has done more than any president in my lifetime to change that.
I used to think the same thing but I don't anymore. Historically the world has had it's greatest peace when the world was controlled by a hegemony to keep everyone in line. The Romans, the Mongols, America, etc. Fear is actually really great for peace. Look at how we stopped doing the world war shit the minute someone dropped a nuke. The risk is just too great. Nobody wants to get nuked or have their entire village sacked. It's easier to comply.
Like despite all the shit we have going on, this is still one of the most peaceful and prosperous times in all of human history.
This is not to say that it's a good thing. I'm simply talking about periods of peace. All great empires of history have committed disgusting atrocities. That's modern life. You can't even live in a 1st world country without supporting slave labor in some way.
Trump hasn't changed any of that. He said he was going to pull out the troops then just moved them around and increased the military budget. The world is not any more at peace than it was during Obama's era. In fact, I'd say it's even worse. The way Trump has handled Russia/China has directly led to dozens of thousands of deaths. It may not be American soldiers killing people, but people are still dying due to Trump's actions.
Don't even get me started on COVID. Or the destruction of democracy Trump pushes. There is so much more at stake than him being a war monger which nobody even suggested anyway, altho he is -
2020-11-04 at 2:06 AM UTC
2020-11-04 at 2:11 AM UTC
Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace I used to think the same thing but I don't anymore. Historically the world has had it's greatest peace when the world was controlled by a hegemony to keep everyone in line. The Romans, the Mongols, America, etc. Fear is actually really great for peace. Look at how we stopped doing the world war shit the minute someone dropped a nuke. The risk is just too great. Nobody wants to get nuked or have their entire village sacked. It's easier to comply.
It's stuff like this that makes me think Trump has been the catalyst for a new "party switch". This is the exact kind of thing that an official from the Bush Administration would have said, but it's an avid democrat voter saying it. And you're not unique in that regard. Not to mention how the democrats used to be the party most skeptical of and concerned with US Intelligence agencies, but have for the last 4 years trusted implicitly every anti-Trump factoid that the mainstream media has said came from "former intelligence officials". -
2020-11-04 at 2:15 AM UTC
Originally posted by Meikai It's stuff like this that makes me think Trump has been the catalyst for a new "party switch". This is the exact kind of thing that an official from the Bush Administration would have said, but it's an avid democrat voter saying it. And you're not unique in that regard. Not to mention how the democrats used to be the party most skeptical of and concerned with US Intelligence agencies, but have for the last 4 years trusted implicitly everything the mainstream media has said came from "former intelligence officials".
Eh not really. I still support pulling out of the middle east and wish Trump would've done it like he said he was gonna do. I had the same opinion before Trump, and before Obama. I think you're making a lot of assumptions based on a country you only have knowledge of through online interactions. You should focus on your own country, Canadian.
I also still support decreasing the military budget. America waaaay overpays for anything related to the military. They haven't been audited in decades and it's something neither Republicans or Democrats want to do. Bernie Sanders was the only one who even suggested it. -
2020-11-04 at 4:18 AM UTCHE'S A GINGER AND i AM 2 SO WE COOL