This. EA did a good here by simply taking the side of individuals standing up to tyranny. EA found an excuse to buy time to polish a turd. They can claim to be progressive as they need, but
Mut 21 coins their internal work culture is totally cut-throat, betray your very best buddy for a bonus along with a sports car, internally sabotage your rivals job, kinda culture. It is actually pretty popular in Brazil, especially on TV, in regard to ratings it obviously loses out to soccer by a fairly wide margin, but I would say it's on par with the NBA, Tennis and Formula 1 . For the past years cinemas have even begun to demonstrate the Super Bowl in theatres live since it's a pretty major event.
However, it's not a favorite game for folks to play since it requires a whole lot of gear, but there are amateur football or flag soccer teams in every city and most universities. I myself played for 5+ years and then coached my college's group for two years. Who cares why they are doing it, can we at least respect that they are doing something? I imagine they sent media coverage stuff to various books in preparation of launch that trailer, and instead they are probably spending a lot of time sending emails to state they're delaying it. Edit: Seeing a lot of opinions that are such as: Well they are doing nothing. To that, I'll just answer, they could still be doing less by just softly pushing back any proposed trailer reveals, which this remains a company twitter which means somebody had to find the tweet accepted on some level, which means someone did something. It's not a great deal, but ... Nevertheless something.
They're like, not doing anything. Some art guy somewhere spent 15 minutes placing platitudes onto a black backdrop and they tweeted out it. I have noticed a dozen of these already and it is about as useful as putting about the rainbow icons for pleasure. It's promotion during a tragedy by trying to seem shaky. Perhaps, but I still think it's something.
But police brutality and
Buy Madden nfl 21 coins are two themes that have been pretty well intertwined with each other last few years because of all of the protests. And there are a good quantity of football fans who do not"make it" (see Mike Pence, or spend more than 5 minutes with my conservative father in law), so even if it's just a trailer to get a silly Madden game, I'll take it. Perhaps it'll help knock some sense into somebody. Otherwise, perhaps it is going to piss them off, I'm fine with that also, because fuck em. And they also might have achieved nothing. They could have waited a week or two for it to blow over and released it afterward. This manner receives the message out there, even if they have absurd business motives, it is better than nothing. There's many businesses and many celebrities doing and saying nothing. I respect anyone who is speaking up.