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35% of American students studied German in 1909

  1. #1
    Today, less than 0.5% study the language.
  2. #2
    Ghost Black Hole
  3. #3
    no native language
  4. #4
    netstat African Astronaut
    edited for privacy
  5. #5
    Bugz Space Nigga
    It's best you all learn Manderine in the next few years. You'll all be working for China soon
  6. #6
    Originally posted by netstat die industrielle Revolution und ihre Folgen sind eine Katastrophe für die Menschheit gewesen

    no, the discovery of fossil fuel is.
  7. #7
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bugz It's best you all learn Manderine in the next few years. You'll all be working for China soon

    you say that like its a bad thing
  8. #8
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Bugz It's best you all learn Manderine in the next few years. You'll all be working for China soon

    or we could just not learn manderine and force them to speak english if they need our labor. i honestly think we should go to war with china but our pussy politicians wont do it
  9. #9
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    I took German in hs
  10. #10
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Today, less than 0.5% study the language.

    That's higher than the covid death rate.
  11. #11
    joe biden Tuskegee Airman
    My name is Mary Poppins and I'm voting for Hitler for senate
  12. #12
    Originally posted by joe biden My name is Mary Poppins and I'm voting for Hitler for senate

  13. #13
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby or we could just not learn manderine and force them to speak english if they need our labor. i honestly think we should go to war with china but our pussy politicians wont do it

    You're a bastard.

    Go learn Spanish. I plan on Spanish first. then French then maybe German. Manderine is really hard to learn at my age. I picked up a Chinese woman in San Francisco picking up her child in a chinese speaking school and maybe a third of the kids I noticed where white. almost all had blonde hair. girls and boys. and I was like "Whats up with the caucasian kids." and she said that it's common. many white families want to send there children to manderine speaking schools to learn it growing up"

    it's the future of business. Smart move.
  14. #14
    I got the Rosetta Stone Spanish level 1,2 & 3 kit from Value Village for $2.62 last week...when I opened it it also had the audio book version of "The art of war" in it too that I guess the previous owner had stuffed in there. That's a score right there.
  15. #15
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby i honestly think we should go to war with china but our pussy politicians wont do it

    theres no 'we' if your honest with yourself.

    your not enlisted. not even qualified to be a jarhead.
  16. #16
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    There are a lot more languages available, today, to be studied. Naturally, that will tend to even out the percentages.
  17. #17
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby or we could just not learn manderine and force them to speak english if they need our labor. i honestly think we should go to war with china but our pussy politicians wont do it

    ur a chickenhawk. You gutless coward.
  18. #18
    Originally posted by Bugz It's best you all learn Manderine in the next few years. You'll all be working for China soon

    Already learned it
  19. #19
    Learn how to make a fire from scratch and a water fil-ter using a length of bamboo to hold layers of charcoal (from said fire), sand and dried grass.

    That will be more used to you than learning how to say Telephono El Fronti.
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