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Redditors talk about girls who aren't into them

  1. #1
    felonious_monk Yung Blood
    "It's fine to a point to be flirty, but after a while I'll get tired of the game."

    "Underrated comment. There are girls that play hard to get, acting like they're one of a kind when really they're below average"

    "But I want to be woo'ed!" We all do honey, we all do."

    "For some saying "no". I'm not gonna chase you, i'm gonna respect your decision and look elsewhere..."

    "If you're playing "hard to get" I'm almost always going to assume you're sincerely not interested and leave you alone. If you are interested in me and still playing hard to get, I'm going to think you're a disingenuous person who uses emotional tricks to get what you want. Either way, it's not attractive."

    "Playing hard to get when a guy you're interested in shows interest back."

    And finally a female comes to give them all a message..

    "Most guys I've come in contact with need to learn the opposite. When I say I'm not interested, it doesn't mean I want to be chased. It means I want you to back off."
  2. #2
  3. #3
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    >"For some saying "no". I'm not gonna chase you, i'm gonna respect your decision and look elsewhere…"

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