I used to bet a lot on the horses back when I lived in blighty...every lunchtime I was in Ladbrokes across the street from work. I remember making a fortune on Desert Orchid before everyone jumped on the bandwaggon.
Last time I was in Blighty I was in a pub that was serving Dry Ice chilled Guinness...-40 or some shit. "It went down great guns"...as me old dad used to say.
Originally posted by Grylls
Me grandad used to mix guinness and lucozade
thats probably gatorade to you yanks
Back when I was a young fella-me-lad hanging out at the local pool hall, we used to order "black and tan" which was Guinness with a shot of blackcurrant juice in it...these days ordering a "black and tan" would get you half Guinness half lager....gay.