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microdosing non-psychedelic hallucinogens

  1. #21
    the taste of mucinex is the equivalent of opening a door and finding a nest of daddy long legs spiders. its NO THIS IS BAD NO NO NO NONONON NO N O for every tastebud tainted by the guafinesin.

    goddamn i cant get over that taste it's been almost a year
  2. #22
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by greenplastic doesn't oxy have better bioavailability than snorting?

    i never really understood that though because it seems like you could snort something and then whatever doesnt get absorbed in your nasal cavity is just going to drip into your stomach anyways

    all i know is the best bio-avalability for ms-contin with out having to needle it is water it down and put it up your ass, feels like your skin popping it . And not just talking out of my ass, pun intended you can look that up
  3. #23
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I dunno sploo I snorted wellbutrin like a decade ago and while i did feel funky it wasn't really a coke high/manic high for me. I've always thrown my psyche meds away unless it was gabapentin.

    Theres a newer form of gabapentin called "gralise" a time released form of gabapentin.. I get some from my friend that doesnt eat them and I just crush them up in a bill crusher put it in a cup and add water and drink. but thats as psyche med as i get. Only thing about gralise is it gums up when it touches water, so to get high off of it you have crush it, and it will still gum up. When I had a beard and would drink my concoction it looked like I had semen in my beard/moustachio. And my shit would come out greasy.. weird ass hell.

    But yeah I haven't snorted anything in a long time, my friend had some of that 3cpo 2cb something whatever that she said you could snort but I just ate the capsule. I think the last time i snorted anything was coke back in august.

    Luckily I had two girls that would bring me drugs but I told them both to fuck off. I kinda want some though now but I'm not willing to cow-tow to my neighbor to get any. I'm looking for shrooms

    horizant and gralise are both XR gabapentin. i'm going to see if my doctor will put me on that. i don't like having to pop 3 pills a day with meals, and the time release doubles the bioavailability
  4. #24
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Daddy Long legs are kinda cute tbh
  5. #25
    Originally posted by mmQ Daddy Long legs are kinda cute tbh

    that's evil

    you have down syndrome
  6. #26
    does anyone have any opinion on the idea in my OP
  7. #27
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by puffy butts that's evil

    you have down syndrome

    They are just tickly they can't even bite they're probably the cutest little spidies be nice to them please.
  8. #28
    red velvet spider mites are the only cute spider;_ylt=A0LEVu8oH8RYBCUAiPwnnIlQ?p=red+velvet+spider+mites&fr=yhs-mozilla-005&fr2=piv-web&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-005

    also i don't want to talk about this anymore
  9. #29
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Did you ever read the story about the girl who had a nest of spider eggs inside a pouch on her cheek that burst open while she was sleeping and released hundred of babby spiders? Timeless classic.
  10. #30
    I'll kill you.
  11. #31
  12. #32
    fuck this
  13. #33
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. #34
    Check this out.
  15. #35
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Kewl spider thread splooge gook!
  16. #36
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by greenplastic doesn't oxy have better bioavailability than snorting?

    i never really understood that though because it seems like you could snort something and then whatever doesnt get absorbed in your nasal cavity is just going to drip into your stomach anyways

    BA for oral oxy is about 40% BA for snorted oxy is 70%, IM is 95%, IV is 100%. I IV'd oxy once, holy shit it's better than heroin. But since i don't regularly IV i need to stab myself 7 times before i hit a proper vein, so i tend not to do it a lot.
  17. #37
  18. #38
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by mmQ They are just tickly they can't even bite they're probably the cutest little spidies be nice to them please.

    Sorry i can't stand spiders. Everyone of them is see in my house gets crushed to death with the force of a thousand blackholes ripping a star apart.
  19. #39
    There are billions of bacteria on your skin right now. Imagine your skin was made of Daddy Long Legs.
  20. #40
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    when I was like 6 years old I saw a spider in the garage, and grabbed on of my dads tool boxes and slammed it on top of the spider and a million babies spider came out of that spider and started scattering, i screamed and out of the garage to the gate, and saw a butterfly and screamed again and punched it and it died.

    its stuck with me forever
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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