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microdosing non-psychedelic hallucinogens

  1. #1
    if i have such an affinity to chems with weird neuropharmacology like bundy and nutmeg, and i feel better when i take them, would microdosing these substances daily have any benefits? i'm a bit of a supplement freak, not as much as malice or snib_snab, so if this has any positive effects i could add it to my regimen.

    my normal doses are 600-2000mg bundy and 14-45 nutmegs, often at the same time. If I reduced this to 30mg bundy twice a day, and 1/2 a nutmeg a day, I bet I would have even more heavy duty antidepressive remedy. I know that mrhappy has been using CCC not only to get fukt up, but as an antidepressant mood stabilzer to help him get through work, this could be explained by the SNRI effects of the CPM.

    CPM = SNRI antihistamine, bundy = NMDA antagonist SSRI sigma agonist, nutmeg = anticholinergic MAOI cannabinoid 5ht2a agonist.

    I'm already taking 2 MAOIs (ginkgo and tumeric) and an SSRI, so it's really a huge case of "wht the fuck am I doing to my brain and body" throwing a wrench into my chemical systems, but I seem pretty immune to negative side effects, and the antidepressive effects tend to augment one another.
  2. #2
    tl;dr don't take drugs just mix a bunch of supplements together until you have a manic episode
  3. #3
    But I have drugd
  4. #4
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by puffy butts tl;dr don't take drugs just mix a bunch of supplements together until you have a manic episode

    has that ever actually worked for you?
  5. #5
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby has that ever actually worked for you?

    actually yeah, but it depends on the supplement. the stuff i'm taking is definitely causing hypomania, but things like ginseng or st johns wort make me hear voices and start having delusions tier manic. i don't think i have bipolar disorder either, but if i did that would explain why i find antidepressants recreational.
  6. #6
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Tylenols and wellbutrins maaaaaaaannnnnnnnn
  7. #7
    protip: tylenol converts to a weak cannabinoid reuptake inhibitor in the liver called AM-404 which is responsible for tylenol's analgesic effect, and wellbutrin is an NDRI when snorted (but only NRI oral) so it's like really bad cocaine RC
  8. #8
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    snorting Wellbutrin sounds fucking terrible. How much do you have to snort to get a bad cocaine high?
  9. #9
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I have like 9000 of them laying around I want to do something fun with them.
  10. #10
    Originally posted by puffy butts protip: tylenol converts to a weak cannabinoid reuptake inhibitor in the liver called AM-404 which is responsible for tylenol's analgesic effect, and wellbutrin is an NDRI when snorted (but only NRI oral) so it's like really bad cocaine RC

    thats why i dont do cwe on my hydrocodones, shit gets u lit
  11. #11
    one pill is enough. i've snorted 800mg (8 pills) and was pretty coked out, spent 45 minutes drumming the same thing over and over. apparently over 400mg there's a seizure risk and shamby had one on 500mg. he also cooked wellbutrin into crack rocks with baking soda and then spent an entire day playing panicing about his heart rate
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. #12
    Originally posted by greenplastic thats why i dont do cwe on my hydrocodones, shit gets u lit

    cant tell if trolling or stewpid

    whenever i take 3+ grams tylenol i feel like my liver is gonna collapse. im just saying popping 2 tylenol when bored might have a mild effect very slightly better than placebo. another protip is that NSAIDs and tylenol can be mixed without any interaction if bonus pain relief is needed, since one is stomach oriented and one is liver oriented. tyme to take 2grams tylenol 2grams aspirin. ginkgo is as effective as the alzheimers drug donzepil, so i'm confident that it works, but mixing aspirin and ginkgo has caused people strokes because they're both blood thinners
  13. #13
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I'm a bitch when it comes to snorting I don't know how I'm the hell you can do that much. 1 150mg pill would take me forever probably.
  14. #14
    Originally posted by mmQ I'm a bitch when it comes to snorting I don't know how I'm the hell you can do that much. 1 150mg pill would take me forever probably.

    yea dude me too. when i was really young and stupid i would snort fat ass lines of shit without caring but now im such a snob or my nose is just too fucked that snorting anything more than 20 mg means i just dont wanna do it
  15. #15
    Originally posted by mmQ I don't know how in the hell you can do that much.

    i swallow 50+ generic mucinex pills at a time to get off

    do you know what a generic mucinex pill tastes like?

    you don't want to know what a generic mucinex pill tastes like

    having it touch the tongue for more than a millisecond is enough to activate gag reflex

    i would rather get kicked in the balls 10 times then have to chew up one of those toxic fuckers
  16. #16
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by puffy butts i swallow 50+ generic mucinex pills at a time to get off

    do you know what a generic mucinex pill tastes like?

    you don't want to know what a generic mucinex pill tastes like

    having it touch the tongue for more than a millisecond is enough to activate gag reflex

    i would rather get kicked in the balls 10 times then have to chew up one of those toxic fuckers

    No pain no gain. Also, snorting is my preferred ROA for anything. No need to stab myself with needles or anything like that, better bioavalability than swallowing it, works pretty well on most drugs.
  17. #17
    lol swallowing all of those pills would take me 30 minutes and literally felt like a masochistic bdsm session
  18. #18
    Originally posted by Sophie No pain no gain. Also, snorting is my preferred ROA for anything. No need to stab myself with needles or anything like that, better bioavalability than swallowing it, works pretty well on most drugs.

    doesn't oxy have better bioavailability than snorting?

    i never really understood that though because it seems like you could snort something and then whatever doesnt get absorbed in your nasal cavity is just going to drip into your stomach anyways
  19. #19
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    The difference is swallowing nasty tastes can be offset by not breathing through your nose and eliminating most of your sense of taste.
  20. #20
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I dunno sploo I snorted wellbutrin like a decade ago and while i did feel funky it wasn't really a coke high/manic high for me. I've always thrown my psyche meds away unless it was gabapentin.

    Theres a newer form of gabapentin called "gralise" a time released form of gabapentin.. I get some from my friend that doesnt eat them and I just crush them up in a bill crusher put it in a cup and add water and drink. but thats as psyche med as i get. Only thing about gralise is it gums up when it touches water, so to get high off of it you have crush it, and it will still gum up. When I had a beard and would drink my concoction it looked like I had semen in my beard/moustachio. And my shit would come out greasy.. weird ass hell.

    But yeah I haven't snorted anything in a long time, my friend had some of that 3cpo 2cb something whatever that she said you could snort but I just ate the capsule. I think the last time i snorted anything was coke back in august.

    Luckily I had two girls that would bring me drugs but I told them both to fuck off. I kinda want some though now but I'm not willing to cow-tow to my neighbor to get any. I'm looking for shrooms
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