Drugs are for s lot of people just not losers. You do the drugs, you're only a loser if you let them do to you. And yes I am personifying (not that i know what that word means) frugs
You don't need to be on drugs to create art, but you also don't need to not be on drugs either. It's almost like whether or not someone does drugs is like... irrelevant, in the grand scheme of things. *shrug*
Originally posted by Meikai
You don't need to be on drugs to create art, but you also don't need to not be on drugs either. It's almost like whether or not someone does drugs is like… irrelevant, in the grand scheme of things. *shrug*
I really want to quit alcohol I really want to get into exercise too, I feel like that would radically improve my emotional state and of course my physical health
Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal
I really want to quit alcohol I really want to get into exercise too, I feel like that would radically improve my emotional state and of course my physical health
Yeah, I'm not saying you shouldn't quit drinking, or that it's pointless. Definitely as worth experimenting with sobriety as it is experimenting with any other drug. See how you feel hopped up on exercise endorphins and cold showers instead of the devil's own booze.
You aren't gonna do shit and you're a bitch that takes all your advice from 4chan or something retarded. You talk shit about me but i'm happy, healthy, barely do drugs or drink alcohol. I've turned my life around from being a depressed suicidal hard drug abusing degenerate and actually tried to make my life better even slightly while all you do is sit around drinking talking MUH DAKI MUH PS5 and being a goldstein jedi agent cock nose child molester.
Basically kid you need to ship in and shape up. And the shape I mean is the triangle (more on this later) but honestly you are and never were getting anywhere in life and that is for one simple reason because you have never had a true psychedelic ego death experience which is the ultimate path to enlightenment and gestalt consciousness