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Fona 10-8-2030

  1. #1
    Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Hey guys
    Just woke up, having a smoke and then I'm gonna eat some cheetos and pizza for breakfast
    I might play some gta v in 480p 15fps on my gaming PC from 2008
    Chell has cancer so I'm gonna drive her to the hospital later and then stop by taco bell

    Ps fuck hiki he's a miserable failure at life and should learn from me
  2. #2
    G African Astronaut
    Purchased a bike that's 2 hours/124 miles away, of course I sold my truck a few months ago & the bike's damn sure not going in the Jags nor the Infiniti. My nephew's abroad @ school & left his car, a 2004 Nissan Sentra I did some measuring & it's got a big trunk for such a small vehicle, it has the rear seat fold down pass though option. I'm pretty confident that if I remove the bike's front wheel via quick release I can slide it into the trunk & get the wheel-less handlebar/fork through the pass & make it fit. That's minimal disassembly, which I'm hoping is all that's needed. It would suck to drive 2 hours & have to disassemble my bike, then get home & find someone competent to put it back together correctly before I can enjoy it lol.

    Leaving in an hour or so, we shall see !

    Also Hiki's a waste of skin.
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