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hey gadzooks

  1. #21
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Wariat females do the swme gadzooks they sue males for their needs. getting some is a mutual thing unlike how they use us so they actually win out eitehr way. when they use us to make their boyfriends or exes jelous or for money reasons we get fuked how is that diff or them more morelaly superior? and they do it at all ages just oike how they enjoy fuking gadzooks. dont believe the bs media lies from anglo saxons.

    It's a mutual thing if both parties benefit equally.

    I'm just not entirely convinced that a fully grown man sleeping with a barely adolescent girl is equally beneficial.

    I feel like even if she consents to it in the beginning, there's a significant chance that she'll eventually find it a largely regrettable experience.
  2. #22
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    its good for their soul and coming or sge process gadzooks. the more sexual experience they have that is fulfilling the better of a woman they become and get to know their body better or ehat they enjoy and dont. plus they can pick their partners better in the future and wont jsut marry the first chap that cant get them off they fuk. plus many of them looka t it as a conquest to fuk older dudes or used to backwhen i was in hs so they luv it. jsut luv it gadzooks.
  3. #23
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    also of note why do u care so much how they feel later or their wmotions. we cant contorl other ppl or their emotions gadzooks. twke drug addicts. if theyre fuked up to ebgin with even being nice to them or giving them gifts can set a junkie off or make them go mad at you. is it our fault? no. its their issues to deal with.
  4. #24
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    are you some sort of morwlist or something because bottom line is females have no morlas nad just use us whenever they have a chance so why should you have any morals about fucking them?
  5. #25
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Wariat its good for their soul and coming or sge process gadzooks. the more sexual experience they have that is fulfilling the better of a woman they become and get to know their body better or ehat they enjoy and dont. plus they can pick their partners better in the future and wont jsut marry the first chap that cant get them off they fuk.

    So basically the benefit comes from them being so traumatised from the experience that they instinctively fear the predatory nature of men for the rest of their lives and therefore decrease the likelihood of being taken advantage of in the future due to being in a constant state of fear?

    That doesn't sound anywhere near as noble as you're trying to make it sound.
  6. #26
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    i guarantee you this gadzooks any female above the age of 12 much less 14 (germany) or 16 (most of world and what we are discussing here and you find wrong to get or hunt) know whats ex is and either want it or not. or either need it or that attention at the moment (like they are not social with their age group or attractive to their wgr group say or sinply are looking for an olde rbrother to elan on or a co auest like the slut variwnts do) know what sex is and consists of and whether it makes them feel good or not.
  7. #27
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Wariat are you some sort of morwlist or something because bottom line is females have no morlas nad just use us whenever they have a chance so why should you have any morals about fucking them?

    Can some women be absolute cunts?


    Women are no different from men. We're all capable of deplorable acts.

    But that doesn't give anyone the right to take some kind of pre-emptive strike and treat others like shit because they operate under the assumption that all those they encounter might very well be assholes.

    That's a terrible way to live.
  8. #28
    Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    It's not some kind of set of laws etched into the fabric of the cosmos, but it is an occasionally useful guideline.

    No merely what's fashionable at the time. As our friend wariat puts it... is he not a victim of his insatiable lust for youthful virgins of questionable judgement? Why is this taken as a moral problem and not say a medical issue?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. #29
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    watch these movies: night at the golden eagle and white orleander (based on a bookwritten on a woman either fantasizing about it or goinf back to her own adolescence with only good memories and putting it in writing), or twrpole (female version).
  10. #30
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by gadzooks So basically the benefit comes from them being so traumatised from the experience that they instinctively fear the predatory nature of men for the rest of their lives and therefore decrease the likelihood of being taken advantage of in the future due to being in a constant state of fear?

    That doesn't sound anywhere near as noble as you're trying to make it sound.

    how cans ex traumatize? if it traumatized them why would they have it later or even enjoys es acts like having you hold their head with your dick in their mouth like this one 45 yr old ive met the blond chick with christmas chick i psoted who told me. their minds are often like ours in they enjoy deplorable acts or to push the edge and whether them getting duked when they were younger has anything to do with that isnirrelegant to them jsut luving it.
  11. #31
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    well at least you admit those cunts or bitches (in my case all pollackf emales and most american in 20s or below the age of 35 or so when they grow up and sotp using men or dating diff dude every night for free meals) deserve or should get fuked super rough and super hard.
  12. #32
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Nil No merely what's fashionable at the time. As our friend wariat puts it… is he not a victim of his insatiable lust for youthful virgins of questionable judgement? Why is this taken as a moral problem and not say a medical issue?

    Actually, I happen to agree with you on that.

    I just rarely expect others to see it that way because most people are staunch believers in absolute free will, which has always perlexed me because I see so much evidence to the contrary.

    But whether he's morally ill or medically ill, i still think something has to be done to help prevent his "illness" from affecting others.

    If it's even remotely possible to reason him out of his affliction, then I figure, why not at least try.
  13. #33
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    theyre all cunts gadzooks in anything but a short lay or one nighter. inf act gadzooks ive already posted time after time on here how various ones in the few fuks i got since being baxk in poland even the matures or older ones would want me to walk them the next morning like a dog but they would throw me out in a second and use me everytime i met one who invited me over. fuk them gadzooks.
  14. #34
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    I just dont see sex with a female as anything diff gadzooks than a male if no pregnancy occurs and its mutual or not against the will. I dont see that point of view how traumatic sex is. Plenty of things are way more traumatic in life. Like losing a loved one or getting assaulted physically or bullied, etc. sex is a beutiful thing gadzooks and so is fuking when you jsut need to let go or forget about the worries of the world. To me fucking is like chewing gum or eating a really good meal nothing more nothing less.
  15. #35
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by gadzooks Actually, I happen to agree with you on that.

    I just rarely expect others to see it that way because most people are staunch believers in absolute free will, which has always perlexed me because I see so much evidence to the contrary.

    But whether he's morally ill or medically ill, i still think something has to be done to help prevent his "illness" from affecting others.

    If it's even remotely possible to reason him out of his affliction, then I figure, why not at least try.

    Plenty of people including entire countries like Germany agree exactly with my reasoning. its you who is in the minority historically and even when it comes to actual laws today.
  16. #36
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by gadzooks Can some women be absolute cunts?


    Women are no different from men. We're all capable of deplorable acts.

    But that doesn't give anyone the right to take some kind of pre-emptive strike and treat others like shit because they operate under the assumption that all those they encounter might very well be assholes.

    That's a terrible way to live.

    Back to this point Gadzooks: most people are selfish cunts and are guided by ego or their lust for hedonism. Hence why women when given a chance will always take a free dirnk at a bar and not even offer one in return and hence why some xpect it and so many even act rude when you trefuse or straight out ask for one. They are all entitled cunts due to ppl like you gadzooks.
  17. #37
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Also of ntoe is you think females are somehow damaged by straight sex not the homo kind and with a mutual attraction involved because you are guillible and they tell you this to use you later as someone to cry on or a male friend material and share you these stories to see your reactions. The Ukrainian chick who was 15 yrs older than me did this too. She told me how when she live din the ukraine and was young like 20 or I forgot what some group of men in a car grabbed her and put her in the car and raped her. I also felt this way agzooks but the matter of fact is she is a weirdo whgo married some pollack fuk right after leaving me due to me being a neet or not satisfying her for long term material or financially who is probably some tight assed faggot because she is a ho or was giving me signs she was saying that she is looking for some help and looking for some male helping hand and shit. thats how they all are gadzooks users.
  18. #38
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    do you even remember how you were at 15/16? I remember wanting to fuk so bad and the best probably fucks it would have been of my life had i got some cause jacking off at around 13-16 when i first started was the best. I think when discovering something new its always the best. I dont think its diff for either gender. I dont see it gadzooks. I just dont. I remember some 15 yr old slut always bragging about some shit when Iw as a sophomore in high school or a junior. Somme chicks even look older like her with tits and ehr demeanor and just love to fuck gadzooks.
  19. #39
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    I get it. You were horny in high school.

    You think I wasn't?

    I even went through a woman hating phase of my own many years ago.

    But I grew out of it pretty quick when I realized how unfair it was.

    Women suck.

    Men suck.

    People suck.

    Fucking barely legal females isn't going to strike some kind of blow at the "matriarchy."

    You're sounding no better than those feminazi cunts who want reparations for their own historical oppression.

    Quite frankly, it's about time to let it go.
  20. #40
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    To me gadzooks sex itself is boring. And especially with females who always expect something back or like theyre giving you something you need to return when in reality theyre gettign off just as much if not moreso (especially the selfish cunts who wont suck dick but like to get eaten like cunts they are and often wont let you know ahead of time they wont rim you or suck your cock after you already did them). Sex is good when you feel the power. when you are in control. or alternatively when they are super horny or have a man mind and love to fuck so bad they get into it and control you ot even yalk shit back during the sex or tell you what they want. By power I mean calling them biches and sluts and slightly grabbing their throats and shit dureing the fucking.
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