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  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I just had dinner with the dnc at vinos and it was hilarious they all almost started crying and couldn't eat their meal, betos number cruncher said trump will win again, it was funny but I played it normal, I told them we should all drink more. I didn't know who she was when they mentioned her, I thought it was allen ginsburg grandaughter and they got pissed but didn't know about scalia.. some peoples kids..

  2. #2
    Bugz Space Nigga
    She did a lot for equality and broke some barriers. but she wasn't so "Progressive" and didn't approve of the antifa or ride alongs with Antifa causing trouble. she just wanted to show women were as strong as men and could do the same work.

    that's what I got from reading up on here recently.
  3. #3
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Bugz She did a lot for equality and broke some barriers. but she wasn't so "Progressive" and didn't approve of the antifa or ride alongs with Antifa causing trouble. she just wanted to show women were as strong as men and could do the same work.

    that's what I got from reading up on here recently.
    You don't get a lot unless its from jeff hunters butthole, are you flexing bro?
  4. #4
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby You don't get a lot unless its from jeff hunters butthole, are you flexing bro?

    I'm flexing like you're Puffin.

    Puff on my Flex, Bruh
  5. #5
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Bugz I'm flexing like you're Puffin.

    Puff on my Flex, Bruh

    nah im good
  6. #6
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby nah im good

    Wrong Answer! You're good when I say you're good, Mr McPuffin.
  7. #7
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Bugz Wrong Answer! You're good when I say you're good, Mr McPuffin.

    you're a libtard
  8. #8
    CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    “Her dad wrote that essay about being a gay wolf that sucked dicks right?”
  9. #9
    Bugz Space Nigga
    ^ i dunno but there is a film on HBO called Being raised by Wolves or Raised by Wolves but the wolves are a futuristic Human Robot that raise children on another planet.

    but it's like the boy raised by wolves.. just a HBO twist
  10. #10
    CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
  11. #11
    Bugz Space Nigga
    1:22 Pergatoried their torsos with Alcohol, Cocks n Balls..
  12. #12
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I just had dinner with the dnc at vinos and it was hilarious they all almost started crying and couldn't eat their meal, betos number cruncher said trump will win again, it was funny but I played it normal, I told them we should all drink more. I didn't know who she was when they mentioned her, I thought it was allen ginsburg grandaughter and they got pissed but didn't know about scalia.. some peoples kids..

    RIP Judge Ginsburg. you did however show women can do the same job as men and the glass ceiling and pay is still a thing, sadly.

    They new a simple thing and you hovered high while their psudeo-intellect brewed hot over your lack of one simple thing in the theatrics too come. You not knowing her name is like Forgetting the name of the title, yet knew the story fairly well. far more than what they absorbed. but they'll get you for getting the titles name.

    thats the best way I can form an articulate view of the modern and demanding MOON PERSONs and Xoomers to come. BLANKETED RULES were used by closed minded hard-core puritans (Christian Groups). the very religion these fucking brats condem.

    I saw a funny meme.

    Photo of a xoomer seeing a Christian doing a Soap Box preach on a corner. the hipster rioter type calls out everything bad about Christianity

    then see's a lady forced to wear a Burka and the lady talks how in their culture they honor not showing their hair to Satan (or there is other sects of Muslim that have different reasons) and basicly they're property (thats how the meme made the comic strip look

    Punchline in the last comic cell was "That's totally hip" but not sarcastic. they call out about the injustices of American Culture of Men only or boys club and women are second class but say how Hip the Muslim culture is.

    Even in Saudi Arabia when they go to plays, they force the women to sit in the left row seats.

    "Totally Hip" -Xoomer Hipster

    this trend is not going to turn out well.

  13. #13
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bugz 1:22 Pergatoried their torsos with Alcohol, Cocks n Balls..

    Ooops endless Cock n Balls.
  14. #14
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Sorry, Kro'z I misread into your story

    Yes, exactly what I was looking for

    She passes away and it's 24/7 (I liked where she stood at times, but I think it's shit that CNN and whoever is doing 24/7 on her but Judge Scalia is a piece os shit" to them

    He died, They Cremated him right away. no second autopsy. no independent from a fed level or the family of.

    Damn! PS Im not a Republican anymore. I'm not a Democrat Anymore (I registered one then the other)
    I'm for the 3rd Part hardly scene. the Indepedent Party.

    RIP Judge Scalia since they never gave you a proper send off.
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