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The O'Relly Rule for Wario n Hikki

  1. #1
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Max O’Rell

    Half your age plus seven is an unofficial rule of romance often credited to French author Max O’Rell (Léon Paul Blouet) in his 1901 love manual with the incredibly romantic title of Her Royal Highness Woman and His Majesty Cupid. In it, Blouet’s mathematical formula applied to the ideal age of a bride as half the groom’s age plus seven years.

    Over the 1900s, half your age plus seven became a popular dating rule for sexual partners, not just marriage partners—but don’t miss it’s gendered undertones, as the age being halved is almost always the man’s. The French entertainer Maurice Chevalier referenced half your age plus seven in an interview with Detroit News in 1931. By 1951, the American play The Moon is Blue and the 1953 film based on it both mention half your age plus seven.

    The rule was so well-known by the 1950s that even Malcolm X is quoted as being a staunch believer in half your age plus seven.

    Many decades later, the rule remains widespread. In 2007, the poplar webcomic XKCD referenced the rule, though brilliantly recast it as the “Standard Creepiness Rule.”
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  2. #2
    Bugz Space Nigga
    By the way, it was adjusted to 8 in the US. but after 21 years of age I guess it applies at half and 7.

    So stop arguing with us. You're both arguing against a wide accepted rule for decades
  3. #3
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    I think Germany has it right. 14 is just about right. most of you think its 16 which is fine me fucking a new 16 yo every night but i think 14 is the number and Germany has it right.
  4. #4
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Hiki and warioat aren't afraid to show off their #MAPpride

  5. #5
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
  6. #6
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
  7. #7
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Bugz Half your age

    I stopped reading there because it felt like a good time to stop.

    A good rule of thumb, I must say.

    10/10. Will follow.
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  8. #8
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by gadzooks I stopped reading there because it felt like a good time to stop.

    A good rule of thumb, I must say.

    10/10. Will follow.

    What the goddamn hell.. §m£ÂgØL? or is that Mexican. Stop trolling on a serious topic.


    dude, Don't come back to California. Stay in Poland or Germany. I really thought you were a troll until someone posted your mug-PI

    you're a danger to our state. you seem to have a unlimited amount of travel money. like your Mom gave you a Carte Blanc Visa and you think this also reflects you life and the rules. Is your Mother Rich? Is your real Dad with her? What does your Mom do? She a Doctor or Tech Startup Guru or a Gold digger or what?

    How did you become like this? in your replies it sounds to me like you're Jonezing on your early teen years.
  9. #9
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
  10. #10
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
  11. #11
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Bugz What the goddamn hell.. §m£ÂgØL? or is that Mexican. Stop trolling on a serious topic.


    dude, Don't come back to California. Stay in Poland or Germany. I really thought you were a troll until someone posted your mug-PI

    you're a danger to our state. you seem to have a unlimited amount of travel money. like your Mom gave you a Carte Blanc Visa and you think this also reflects you life and the rules. Is your Mother Rich? Is your real Dad with her? What does your Mom do? She a Doctor or Tech Startup Guru or a Gold digger or what?

    How did you become like this? in your replies it sounds to me like you're Jonezing on your early teen years.

    I just turned 36.

    That means half my age is 18.

    Legal as fuck.

  12. #12
    Bugz Space Nigga

    Bing, google or duckduckgo "Age disparity in sexual relationships - Wikipedia"

    Age Disparity is the key words here. key reference. It is a real mind fuck on a 13-14 year old to team up with your old ass. They can't mentally process this during a very delicate time period in their life. they might become abusive, prostitute and do drugs later on. you might groom them for some Pimp to sell them later on. they may run away. Hopefully they will go get a sample of your DNA (god forbid you ever) and that will be that for you.

    But I'd rather it not happen. I thought you were doing good and sticking with the MILF and art life. go meet an Art dealer and bang on that and maybe she'll make you look "Special" in the art world.
  13. #13
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by gadzooks I just turned 36.

    That means half my age is 18.

    Legal as fuck.

    Thats legal. I wouldn't' the mental issues of dating someone that young. not knowing half the shit you're talking about. but whatever.
  14. #14
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Bugz Thats legal. I wouldn't' the mental issues of dating someone that young. not knowing half the shit you're talking about. but whatever.

    I'm mostly being glib.

    I actually do agree with you that too much of an age discrepancy can lead to compatibility issues, and maybe even present certain ethical issues regarding possible manipulation or other power imbalances.

    But trying to strictly formulize it is where I take issue. Half your age plus X will always mean that X is arbitrary and therefore an essentially useless constant.
  15. #15
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by gadzooks I'm mostly being glib.

    I actually do agree with you that too much of an age discrepancy can lead to compatibility issues, and maybe even present certain ethical issues regarding possible manipulation or other power imbalances.

    But trying to strictly formulize it is where I take issue. Half your age plus X will always mean that X is arbitrary and therefore an essentially useless constant.

    No, they're saying its best not to go under that age. I mean once you hit 30 there is some room for adjusting.

    but its stricter on the younger kids and their vibe. like under 20 or so.
  16. #16
    Kev Space Nigga
    youre telling me half your age plus seven is not an original totse meme? Fuckin FROWNY FACE.

    either way, that rule causes my computer to crash because then the minimum age that a 12yo can date is 13 but the 13yo cant date the 12yo.
  17. #17
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    aso you are a hypocryte as well Bugs? You find it no problem if gadzooks fuks an 18 yr old only because you said its legal but in other states and most countries 16 is legal but for eome rewosn you have a hard on if i was rucking 16 yr olds once in a while hard while calling them bitches and kinky sluts? thats called being q hypocryte because your original response was the legality argument which you adressed wuickly then went on some wild rant going off tangent.
  18. #18
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    what if i was fucking just above the aoc at every place or country i land. what would u fink then?
  19. #19
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Wariat aso you are a hypocryte as well Bugs? You find it no problem if gadzooks fuks an 18 yr old only because you said its legal but in other states and most countries 16 is legal but for eome rewosn you have a hard on if i was rucking 16 yr olds once in a while hard while calling them bitches and kinky sluts? thats called being q hypocryte because your original response was the legality argument which you adressed wuickly then went on some wild rant going off tangent.

    The fact that AoC varies from one culture to another is a fact of life, and it raises some very interesting questions surrounding the arbitrariness of any particular AoC.

    It's somewhat analogous to how eating beef is totally normal in most parts of the world, but it's utter sacrilege in somewhere like India. And then there's the fact that some Asian cultures consume dog, a household pet often assigned the status of family member on most other parts of the world.

    My word of advice at the end of the day, though, is just to abstain from engaging in any debate about the precise age of consent in any given country because it's just never fruitful, and only makes you come off to people as a pervert seeking rationalizations.

    If it's legal in your country to sleep with 16 year olds, then I guess go for it. Just like if you live somewhere that regularly eats dog... Eat it if it's your tradition, but don't waste your time on the Internet trying to change other people's minds.

    You'd be wasting your time AND making yourself look monstrous to them.
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  20. #20
    netstat African Astronaut
    edited for privacy
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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