2020-09-17 at 6:05 PM UTC
He is so ordinary
What has he done to anger leftists and shitskins so much?
They unironically think he's a fascist or similar to Adolf Hitler but he's just a generic Republican.
The media apparatus makes him out to be some sort of apocalyptic force.
2020-09-17 at 6:29 PM UTC
Because he says shit for how it is without hiding behind a politically correct facade like all other politicians do, it fuels the rage of the average estrogen-filled retard who wants to be offended by everything.
also because he is masculine, everybody is so envious and obssessed with his schlong and sex life its creepy as fuck.
its basically the attack of the lonely beta soy-boys and ugly suicidal trigglypuffs whose only cock they touched was their uncle's.
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2020-09-17 at 6:33 PM UTC
I think Trump is a fascist and Hitler and an apocalyptic force.
2020-09-17 at 6:35 PM UTC
Well I certainly dont HATE the guy, I've really yet to find any good reason to like him.
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2020-09-17 at 6:48 PM UTC
Well...he is entertaining...in a creepy, Hitlerish sort of way.
2020-09-17 at 7:22 PM UTC
I enjoy his antics/no fil-ter approach.
2020-09-17 at 7:26 PM UTC
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2020-09-17 at 7:42 PM UTC
[the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
Because they are arrogant deviants and traitors and want to destroy the country, and he won't let them, so they're soured and indignant.
2020-09-17 at 8:18 PM UTC
Originally posted by cigreting
Once you finally understand what motivates democrats you'll love him and every other republican
Yep, you'll learn to love a billionaire who acts in the best interests of other billionaires.
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2020-09-17 at 8:51 PM UTC
Originally posted by cigreting
Once you finally understand what motivates democrats you'll love him and every other republican

That's not my criteria for deciding if I like someone or not.
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2020-09-17 at 9:04 PM UTC
[the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
If you allow them to tax billionaires 50%, they won't be taxing billionaires 50%, they'll be taxing YOU 50%.
2020-09-17 at 10:52 PM UTC
Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer......................................................................................... (banned)
no…the billionaires would get taxed 50% then the billionaires would increase the price of what theyre selling and at the same time reduce the wages/benefits to their employees…meaning by the time all is said and done theyve increased their income 75%
as evidenced by worldwide reductions in pay and benefits to the working class while goods have increased in price while the 1% has the highest gross-income/definable net-worth that they ever have since records have been kept.
thats not how they evade taxes.
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2020-09-17 at 10:59 PM UTC
Originally posted by Kev
also because he is masculine
What is so masculine about being an obese 70 year old man with fake hair and fake skin? Is wearing a wig and roasting yourself in a tanning bed what manly men do now?
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POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret
[my presentably immunised ammonification]
cuz he is the second cumming of christ