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And so it begins ...
2020-09-06 at 3:59 AM UTCIn your lifetime you will get to see a third world nigger infested shithole spawn in the landmass known as "The United States"
https://news.yahoo.com/19-black-families-purchased-96-acres-of-land-to-create-a-safe-haven-for-black-people-215152697.html -
2020-09-06 at 4:07 AM UTC
With her friend Renee Walters, an entrepreneur and investor, she founded the Freedom Georgia Initiative, a group of 19 Black families who collectively purchased 96.71 acres of rural land in Toomsboro, a town of a few hundred people in central Georgia, with the intention of developing a self-contained Black community.
I wonder if they'll try to make it a black only city.
Obviously that isn't legal, though they won't have to worry about the law or even try to drive away humans .. Err I mean whites. -
2020-09-06 at 4:45 AM UTCLol. 96 acres doesnt sound like enough to fit all the free housing theiyre going to need.
I can only imagine the tone thatd be taken if 19 white families purchased tracts of land for a place they could “feel safe”.
Want to feel safe? Dont commit crime. Badda bing badda boom. -
2020-09-06 at 4:50 AM UTC
Originally posted by CASPER I can only imagine the tone thatd be taken if 19 white families purchased tracts of land for a place they could “feel safe”.
The oy veying has already started at a few German families who just wanted to be left alone somewhere out in the remote Canadian Island of Nova Scotia.
https://nationalpost.com/news/nazi-sympathizer-network-buying-up-cape-breton-properties-with-colony-in-mind-german-report -
2020-09-06 at 5:11 AM UTC
Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting The oy veying has already started at a few German families who just wanted to be left alone somewhere out in the remote Canadian Island of Nova Scotia.
Nova Scotia sounds like a place from Final Fantasy XIV. -
2020-09-06 at 5:11 AM UTC
Originally posted by CASPER Lol. 96 acres doesnt sound like enough to fit all the free housing theiyre going to need.
I can only imagine the tone thatd be taken if 19 white families purchased tracts of land for a place they could “feel safe”.
Want to feel safe? Dont commit crime. Badda bing badda boom.
It's not all the violent blacks they want to free from ... They want to feel safe from white people for some reason. -
2020-09-06 at 5:20 AM UTC
Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal I wonder if they'll try to make it a black only city.
Obviously that isn't legal, though they won't have to worry about the law or even try to drive away humans .. Err I mean whites.
It's called a compound. they can gate it and make it their own. They will receive no road funding. any cable tv or internet service that require lines will need to be paid for by the people from the distribution box all the way to the house and inside.
they wont get tax breaks. they wont get federal tax breaks.
they maybe put on a restriction for Ambulance or Fire Department to enter inside the compound. meaning if someone has a heart attack they might have to be brought to the gate to get help from there.
they can keep police out if they chose unless the police suspect certain crimes or have a warrent. -
2020-09-06 at 5:29 AM UTC
Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal I wonder if they'll try to make it a black only city.
Obviously that isn't legal, though they won't have to worry about the law or even try to drive away humans .. Err I mean whites.
Why wouldnt it be? They can just say the land belongs to their organization,and coincidentally the only members of the organization are black. Though that shouldnt be a problem bc lets be honest- no one else is going to want to be there, especially after the 3rd or 4th drive by shooting at a memorial service. -
2020-09-06 at 5:31 AM UTCI don't resent anyone doing this if they feel it would make their lives better. I just resent that whites will never be able to.
2020-09-06 at 5:32 AM UTC
2020-09-06 at 6:14 AM UTCBlacks in America had a lot of upward mobility until leftists started social welfare programs.
Social welfare programs subsidized single black motherhood, led to the erosion of the nuclear family and traditional family values, and resulted in the horrible state of Black america today.
I fucking hate democrats.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-09-06 at 6:19 AM UTCThis will go about as well as CHAZ and smell a lot worseThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-09-06 at 8:41 AM UTC
2020-09-06 at 8:45 AM UTCMy hometown used to be healthy and predominantly huwhite ... Unfortunately now there are like 50 - 100 niggers, some mexicans and even arabs.
Fortunately all the shitskins keep to the run down areas and leave all the decent places for the indigenous population. -
2020-09-06 at 10:04 AM UTC
Originally posted by street_carp Most places are white compounds in a country with a white racial majority.
Every western country with a white racial majority is rapidly shrinking.
It's most noticeable in big cities, but eventually spreads to smaller ones.
Whites will be a minority in the UK by 2060 I believe. -
2020-09-06 at 10:24 AM UTC
Originally posted by CASPER Lol. 96 acres doesnt sound like enough to fit all the free housing theiyre going to need.
I can only imagine the tone thatd be taken if 19 white families purchased tracts of land for a place they could “feel safe”.
Want to feel safe? Dont commit crime. Badda bing badda boom.
het you and star trek support a mirderer. -
2020-09-06 at 8:13 PM UTC