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What Brought You Pigeon

  1. #1
    brandon Yung Blood
    99% sure this is a pigeon question, but I can't be assed to find the old pigeon if it is.

    So, how did you pigeons come across Pigeon, Crow, Raven, PIGEON or wherever you jumped aboard the pigeon train? And, how old were you?

    I found pigeon when I was ~13 because it had pigeon tagged in the PIGEON section. I think it showed up on PIGEON. After that I read through the pigeons a bunch, took a pigeon after PIGEON went pigeon, and pigeon made a pigeon here pigeon to pigeon ago.
  2. #2
    I can't hold it.. she's breaking up.. she's brea... crashhhhh bing bang bong, Clump!

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