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What's your typing speed. take test

  1. #1
    rei4jie Yung Blood

    I type like a Octopus first try 100 percent 44 words a minute

    second time octopus 95 percent accuracy..

    you just type the word salad that is in front of you you can backspace and correct without pentalty until you skp to the next word.

    post your score and animal.
  2. #2
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    I'm apparently an octopus too...

    You're an Octopus.
    Awesome! You type with the speed of 67 WPM (306 CPM). Your accuracy was 98%. Congratulations!
  3. #3
    thats not typing test, thats spelling and memorization test.

    people who memorized all those words to the point typing them are reflex actions will score better than those who do not.
  4. #4
    tee hee hee Naturally Camouflaged [slangily complete this slumberer]
    Shamfefully im still a "hunt and peck"-er after all these yrs...😳
  5. #5
    I had professional touch typing lessons when I was 16 I got 65wpm 97% accuracy as my "qualifying score"...that was on a mechanical typewriter too.

    Unusual back then for a mans-man to be learning typing as it was usually a womanly occupation...but as always I was ahead of the curve and computer programming back then before most people even knew what a computer was and so it aided me in doing that.
  6. #6
    stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    I too am a one-finger-wonder.

    I save a special finger for certain posters.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. #7
    My daddy said men don't need to learn to type because that's what the secretary is for
  8. #8
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Caring about typing speed is kinda autistic
  9. #9
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Caring about typing speed is kinda autistic

    Caring about anything is really, we all die in the end so nothing really matters.
  10. #10
    tee hee hee Naturally Camouflaged [slangily complete this slumberer]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Caring about anything is really, we all die in the end so nothing really matters.

    ur soul does. I want us to be together in heaven so come to Jesus, boo.
  11. #11
    Originally posted by tee hee hee ur soul does. I want us to be together in heaven so come to Jesus, boo.

    You come to Satan, why does the man always have to come to the sexist pig.

    "Satan's #1 trick was convincing the world he was Jesus" - Cawkasians 16:23
  12. #12
    stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Caring about anything is really, we all die in the end so nothing really matters.

    Spoken like a true childless person.
  13. #13
    Originally posted by stl1 Spoken like a true childless person.

    Newsflash gramps, they'll die too.
  14. #14
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Caring about anything is really, we all die in the end so nothing really matters.

    truer words have never been spoken

    "You can take your GMOs
    Your NFL your Superbowl
    You can take your CEOs
    Giant head and tiny soul
    And throw it in a wormhole
    Cause in the end we're all alone"

  15. #15
    tee hee hee Naturally Camouflaged [slangily complete this slumberer]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson …you sexist

    Yes, I am. Thank u for noticing 🤗
  16. #16
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Malice made this same thread like 2 years ago and I remember I was in a phase where I drank a lot of coffee and was trying to be manic again and he pointed out that I was. But anyway I took the test a bunch of times and posted screen shots because I wanted to demonstrate I was in the upper echelon of typers. In fact I'm not doing anything and I'm gonna go search his thread history and find it.

    Thank you
  17. #17
    Originally posted by mmQ Malice made this same thread like 2 years ago and I remember I was in a phase where I drank a lot of coffee and was trying to be manic again and he pointed out that I was. But anyway I took the test a bunch of times and posted screen shots because I wanted to demonstrate I was in the upper echelon of typers. In fact I'm not doing anything and I'm gonna go search his thread history and find it.

    Thank you

    The chicks in the class I learned with when I got my 65wpm...they were all 110wpm and shit...I blamed my big manly hands on my lack of speed.
  18. #18
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Speech to text is faster
  19. #19
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Speech to text is faster

    My Alexia gets dumber and dumber...

    When I first got it it would do as I asked first time

    Now I have to say it 3 or 4 fucking times for the dumb bitch to turn the lights on.
  20. #20
    stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Newsflash gramps, they'll die too.

    But, hopefully, their children will grow and have children of their own ad infinitum and they will all prosper and be good Democrats and not Deplorables.
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