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Deleted posts for: infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer...... (banned)

  1. #1
    Originally posted by Technologist I totally disagree with reparations. True reparations will come in the form of actions, not money. Giving black folks money is not gonna stop systemic racism. Education will work, but only for the open minded.

    I think racism will “start” to get better as these old white “good ole boys” die off; but of course they taught their racism to their children.

    you know absolutely nothing about absolutely anything, you blithering nigger loving titless whore.

    literally every single person i know that hates niggers hates niggers because of how the niggers behave. the ones that i know personally rarely mention their views or disparaging remarks regarding niggers in front of their parents due to their parents not sharing their clarity of thought on what is the nigger problem.

    since Burn-Loot-Murder started ive had more people who were inclined to be pro-nigger mention to me that they now hold niggers in worse regard, or have made negative comments on niggers.

    sane people dont make judgement on color of skin...they make it on content of character.

    you dirty nigger loving abomination. its only a matter of time before your pet nigger kills you. its a statistical certainty.
  2. #2
    Originally posted by Qhost Here's how you fix the problems with black communities in America.

    Eliminate welfare for single parents, or drastically reduce it. This will incentivize marriage and help fix the ridiculous levels of fatherless black homes. Boys raised by a single woman is probably the largest cause of gang-violence in america.

    Culturally shame Ebonics and whatever else black communities think pass as the queens English. The fact that a Chinese foreign student can speak English better than black native citizens is shameful.

    Increase funding to never before seen levels of the police force in these communities. Make it so any wanna be gangbanger can't walk ten feet without tripping over an armed officer. Yes, poverty causes crime not being black, but while black communities are hotbeds of poverty and crime, the state has a duty to be there in force.

    End the war on drugs, or at the very least, legalise weed.

    No tolerance or serious political platforms given to any black person crying about systematic racism holding anyone back. This is America. The average black person in america probably has more opportunities to succeed than 80% of the worlds population. The only verifiable systematic racism in place today is affirmative action which massively benefits black people.

    Speaking of. End affirmative action. If you treat lack black people like democrats do, as inferior beings that need a systematic racist structure to help them out, they'll start believing it (and have) and start blaming everything bad on the big bad white man.

    There have been some grievous and horrible offences committed against blacks in the last 100 years. Is is now 2020, it's time to stop entertaining conspiracy theories of systematic racism and white supremacy.

    Blacks are keeping themselves down and sadly the democrats are only looking to make token commitments to keep them voting for them.

    TL;DR Serious sweeping reforms are needed in black culture.

    youre missing the most significant variable in the equation: j­ews

    literally, the kikes.

    the kikes are literally instigating this strife and unrest.
  3. #3
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting What do you envisage happening?

    It's like Techno, thinking that if white people die out we will live in paradise.

    It seems like both of you have a concept in your head that a better world is one where black people behave more like white people.

    You just differ on how you will achieve that, and why you think that hasn't already happened.

    that dumb nigger loving whore is delusional. ive challenged her multiple times to name one single country, state, or city that was majority-nigger that had even a modicum of what is considered a successful civilization.

    the dumb nigger loving whore cant because niggers are incapable of civilization. they are literally barely a rung on the evolutionary ladder above sub-simian primates.

    the arabs originally made use of them the same way any other civilization made use of wild animals that would have use to mankind as domesticated animals. niggers are no different than domesticated dogs, llamas, camels, or any other livestock.

    slavery my ass...domesticated niggers have it infinitely better than any wild jungle nigger
  4. #4
    Originally posted by Technologist Never said that, but your victim mind is working overtime. Here, have a cookie🍪

    shut your gibbering nigger cock socket and get back on your street corner and earn the beer and cigarette money for your pet nigger before he discovers youre wasting his resources.

    better yet, dont. i look forward to your pet nigger doing what pet niggers do best:

  5. #5
    Originally posted by Qhost If I had to name this post, it would be "Free speeches final form"

    or, 'most accurate statement ever made on the internet in all the history of accurate statements made on the internet'
  6. #6
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting All she's got to do is kill all white people and then ….

    Techno's brainless, but her desire to see white people killed is a good indication of the campaign of racial dehumanisation against white people that goes on in the media.

    the classic trait of whites romantically involved with niggers...or attempting to self-identify with niggers... is a deep seated sense of masochism and self-hatred.

    same thing with fags and transformers.

    in all actuality...the only reason someone would want to get a cock jammed into them that doesnt involve basic biological necessity or desire is nothing more than a substitute for self-flagellation
  7. #7
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting So tell us how things are going to be different if whites die off.

    How does the world improve, free of the yoke of people who don't want to be around black people?

  8. #8
    not laugh. more like a slightly upturned scowl

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