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what is wrong with you people?

  1. #1
    TJ Houston
    I leave for sometime because half the BBS is clueless regarding the original site that this bbs in a mini iteration of from 32 years back.

    and now it seems youre harrassing UN "Mom"'s kid and from the looks of her post replies wich are more like statements and warnings to back the hell off.

    Release your corruptive powers and let whats left of whatever norm is in todays world.

    God said Satan would confuse us in the endtimes.

    no one has a gosh darn clue what our incompatent world leader are doing. Trump is doing weird stuff.just making no sense. i mean he might open the Nuclear Football Breifcase and send the codes in while he bails for the arctic or antarctic and live in an icepod that stores food and seedsa d animals.

    Im sorry but I do not have spell checker

    for once I wish I had a Jesus button to press. a simple red Button to have a true one on one with my old best friend I left behind.
  2. #2
    Kev Space Nigga
    Do blabber on, intoxicated nigga, i shall be your sober minder - keep you away from sharp objects or drowning in the toilet and stuff. ^^
  3. #3
    TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Kev Do blabber on, intoxicated nigga, i shall be your sober minder - keep you away from sharp objects or drowning in the toilet. ^^

    was that directed at me?
  4. #4
    Kev Space Nigga
    This is not a bbs, btw. the original bbs you refered to ceased to exist after totse moved to the www in the mid 90s iirc.

    dunno who UN mom is but it sounds eerily like wintermute, a tyrant bitch we all want to forget.

    dont let da orange man bring you down, nigga. light up, pop a benzo later and we might have a competent dj in this muhfuggah to hook ya up with some euphoric nostalgia.
  5. #5
    TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Kev This is not a bbs, btw. the original bbs you refered to ceased to exist after totse moved to the www in the mid 90s iirc.

    dunno who UN mom is but it sounds eerily like wintermute, a tyrant bitch we all want to forget.

    dont let da orange man bring you down, nigga. light up, pop a benzo later and we might have a competent dj in this muhfuggah to hook ya up with some euphoric nostalgia.

    lokil much?
  6. #6
    TJ Houston
    also, Kev ( short for Kevin?)

    Lanny used Wintermute as one of his accounts it seems.

    but I remember Wintermute well. Lanny is "too young" to have been on during 2600 meetups . im now guessing he is a son or nephew of some Mod from the dialup era
  7. #7
    Kev Space Nigga
    what is lokil?

    Originally posted by TJ also, Kev ( short for Kevin?)

    we have a winrar!

    Lanny used Wintermute as one of his accounts it seems.

    yeah, it scared me when i first signed up, i went from "im coming home baby!" to "nah nigga, not this again" but it appeared the devil was dormant so i was chill.

    but I remember Wintermute well. Lanny is "too young" to have been on during 2600 meetups . im now guessing he is a son or nephew of some Mod from the dialup era

    seems i am as well, the 2600 meetups dont ring a bell at all. i joined totse during the wintermute drama, it was my first lesson of what happens when a woman is put in charge of anything other than a kindergarten, lmao.

    are you an oldfag like spectral or what?
  8. #8
    TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Kev what is lokil?

    we have a winrar!

    yeah, it scared me when i first signed up, i went from "im coming home baby!" to "nah nigga, not this again" but it appeared the devil was dormant so i was chill.

    seems i am as well, the 2600 meetups dont ring a bell at all. i joined totse during the wintermute drama, it was my first lesson of what happens when a woman is put in charge of anything other than a kindergarten, lmao.

    are you an oldfag like spectral or what?

    yes. I even set up a WWIV bbs in concord area for a while until I learned what a dump-Site or Dump-Shop was. few people left messages and I even upgraded to a 56k and dedicated line and the dial-board shareing platform. but took it down when another BBS admin told me i had sequential encrypted files indicating I might be being used for storing illegal files so I shut it down.

    I was probably in my late 20s it was so long ago.

    peoples houses locally with bbs were getting raided in the following year for movies and licenced video games stored.

    somehow Totse squeeked by with warnings. most likely experimental and Gov funded as a youth think tank 20 year contract pulled (so people have said) maybe a common myth.

    Taipan Enigma later as enigma (Jeff Hunter) had a dedicated menu link to Cult of Dead Cow bbs in texas. Beta O'Roarke was a member. no one could join but I believe exchange messages to the exclusive 30-40 membership think tank., as for Totse, Harper Reed the former CEO of Paypal/eBay was a totse user.
    Obama hired Harper Reed as his chief technologist officer or CTO for his 2012 campaign and in 2008 he was apart of the "Hope" campaign

    on harper reed's website if you scroll down his page were he has a bulletpoint of yearly highlights in his life, in 1993 or 1992 he writes

    "Ran up my first huge phone bill dialing into BBSes around the country. &TOTSE forever"

    i want to print tshirts up, give them to homeless in San Francisco and the rest to whitehouse staff with a photo of Harper and Obama shaking hands

    and on the back, unrelated prolly.. Susan Rosenburg that Obama pardon by Bill Clintons request showing her total BLM fund raiser ammount. maybe send one to Bidens running mate Harrise who was SF last DA and one to San Franciscos new DA mr Chesa Boudin raised by Clintons friend Bill Ayer

    Harper Reed on his webpage
  9. #9
    Kev Space Nigga
    Thanks for that bit of interesting history, but one part confuses me.

    peoples houses locally with bbs were getting raided in the following year for *movies* and licenced video games stored.

    Movies transferred on dialup? i dont see how that is possible.

    That harper jedi needs to contribute some of that gold to reopening a totse 2.0, we couldve really changed the world with what we had.

    oldfags like you are appreciated but we need the youngins back. totseans are all aging and wasting away. what made totse great was the unique diversity and synergy of intellectuals and degenerates alike but it was the teen majority that gave it continuity and life.

    we have to figure out a way to make any new totse cool or move on and follow todays kids lead.
  10. #10
    TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Kev Thanks for that bit of interesting history, but one part confuses me.

    Movies transferred on dialup? i dont see how that is possible.

    That harper jedi needs to contribute some of that gold to reopening a totse 2.0, we couldve really changed the world with what we had.

    oldfags like you are appreciated but we need the youngins back. totseans are all aging and wasting away. what made totse great was the unique diversity and synergy of intellectuals and degenerates alike but it was the teen majority that gave it continuity and life.

    we have to figure out a way to make any new totse cool or move on and follow todays kids lead.

    people in my town and neighboring towns may of ad illegal files. i didnt have a passcode to render cded files into their orriginal formats.
    its antiquated. it might be fun for the stereo typical hipster who digs retro stuff but I never supported Anarchy. I did love the college prank ideas, UFOlogy and Conspiracy Theory files which some shit came true or more factual or mirrored reality in some conspiracy form

    sometimes Totse was like predictive programming
  11. #11
    Kev Space Nigga
    support for anarchy doesnt mean you dont want any order, its just a rejection of bullshit authority, particularly when it always ends up setting society like a pyramid scheme to ultimately benefit themselves at everyones expense.

    the problem is how to stop it from degenerating into some darwinistic dystopia which then creates the same old system we all hated. its a mess.

    totse 2.0 doesnt have to be called totse but it needs yung blood and right now for perhaps the first time in history, teens are submissive instead of rebellious which is why they are all on these garbage social media sites like FECESBOOK.

    things aint looking good, houston
  12. #12
    Grylls Cum Looking Faggot [abrade this vocal tread-softly]
    whats a bbs?

    big black sheboon?
  13. #13
    Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls whats a bbs?

    big black sheboon?

    grylls, out of curiosity how old are you again?
  14. #14
    Grylls Cum Looking Faggot [abrade this vocal tread-softly]
  15. #15
    Grylls Cum Looking Faggot [abrade this vocal tread-softly]
  16. #16
    TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Kev support for anarchy doesnt mean you dont want any order, its just a rejection of bullshit authority, particularly when it always ends up setting society like a pyramid scheme to ultimately benefit themselves at everyones expense.

    the problem is how to stop it from degenerating into some darwinistic dystopia which then creates the same old system we all hated. its a mess.

    totse 2.0 doesnt have to be called totse but it needs yung blood and right now for perhaps the first time in history, teens are submissive instead of rebellious which is why they are all on these garbage social media sites like FECESBOOK.

    things aint looking good, houston

    i hear what you are saying. I want the same faces removed from running in any form of us governed positions.

    we need sensable people who will openly and loudly reject any corrupt offers and have trained army reservist be oversite on all federal and state level goverment employees tondo their work professionally, ad be the most effifiant with their time. every 60 days they get a report review and if theyr just layin around not doing shit they get a demerrit and 3 strikes, pack your shit up.. you have 20 minutes to clear the office and exit the building.

    fudge. my spelling sucks
  17. #17
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    you said it gont
  18. #18
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I Love you
  19. #19
    cigreting Dark Matter
  20. #20
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Hey fuck you TJ im sick of your shit
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