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why do you guys think guys who had single moms or dominant moms

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    are so into older women vs girls their age? like is it psychological where they want to prove their manhood through a woman who either is similar age or looks similar to their mom and turn it around or all the dominance on the woman sexually? or is it more like they just feel comfortable with women that age due to the age group and them lusting over moms friend all the years and it is a way to get some or that out of the system? or is it deeper thsn that where they want to fele dominated or want another mom but with benefits attached? wat u fink is the culprit or underlying reasons behind this uncontrollable attracrion thwtnalso goes both ways with single moms or lonely frehsly divorced women back on guys that look similar to what a son would look like if they had him at say 18 or so?
  2. #2
    rabbitweed African Astronaut
    It's fascinating just how fucking retarded you are.

    Do these thoughts pop into your head and you think to yourself "wowzers NIS needs to know about this. Better start writing this out. Should I capitalize or use line breaks or spell things correctly? Nah, that will just slow me down, my audience needs to hear this info ASAP. Plus they love what I say so much they'll put up with it".

    You can't write. You can't draw. You can't have a successful relationship with women. What can you do?
  3. #3
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    i dont know you tell me? what can you do besides goose step?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #4
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    I can actually do both. Unlike anna spysz look at her medium articles and her shitty graphics or even line charts she adds i could do what she did and even better or more technical plus art and gay porn. the only difference is she was making the big bucks and climbing corporste ladders being editors and shit due to some undelrying feminism running the world and having a higher education or more certificates in polish or a better university than mine where she got her bachelors or some other superficialr eaosn who knows what. i mean she became a programmer claiming and praising hers,ef as having apt for it due to covering it or the development industry when i covered it much more technicsl than she ever did before she became a programmer again the only difference is she made the big bucks while i had to work for shit companies and jsut lames.
  5. #5
    street_carp African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat i dont know you tell me? what can you do besides goose step?

  6. #6
    I think my attraction to older women comes from being molested rather than being raised by a single mother.
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