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What the fuck is with the Chinese and cannibalism

  1. #1
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    I know all groups have resorted to it at times but the fucking scale of it:

    In the first instance (Guangxi and other places during the Cultural Revolution) they weren't even starving, they did it just for fun.

    At Suiyang they ate all the women first, then kids and old men.
  2. #2
    rabbitweed African Astronaut
    You know how communists always say shit like "China isn't even communist anymore!1!" ?

    Presumably this is what they think it should return to.
  3. #3
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    they're still pretty close to communist internally, it's typically referred to as 'socialism with Chinese characteristics'

    that said it hardly has anything to do with it; only the Guangxi violence was during the CR and it's just an example, it's happened plenty during the various eras. The Suiyang buffet was in 757AD
  4. #4
    Soyboy 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting African Astronaut [scrub the quick-drying deinonychus]
    I never really got the European horror with cannibalism. From a purely practical point of view cannibalism makes lots of sense, eat some people to survive, as opposed to letting everyone die. Cannibalism is pretty common in nature, for instance tadpoles will cannibalise each other if food is scarce.
  5. #5
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    well yeah, personally I think it'd be less immoral to kill and eat a rapist or child molestor than a family pet.

    that said in many cases they weren't even starving, they just did it as a sort of bonding/dominance ritual
  6. #6
    rabbitweed African Astronaut
    The horror with cannibalism is either 1. people are driven to it due to extreme starvation or 2. they just do it for the lols like in the two links aldra supplied
  7. #7
    Soyboy 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting African Astronaut [scrub the quick-drying deinonychus]
    Everyone knows you have to eat the heart of your vanquished enemy in order to gain his strength.
  8. #8
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Even to this day, eating babies is considered a delicacy in China. They buy them by the bag fulls from abortion clinics, add some mashed potatoes, carrots, a few spices, gravy and off they go.
  9. #9
    Soyboy 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting African Astronaut [scrub the quick-drying deinonychus]

    BSD and Kuru are both caused by cannibalism. Apparently we have proteins that survive high temperatures, even cooking, that kill us.

    From the video, regarding the cannibals of Papua New Guinea: "These people ate their dead relatives, as a mark of respect...the men ate the best parts, the muscle...the women and children ate the brains"


    They even ate a Rockefeller. Presumably as a sign of respect.
  10. #10
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    The bum is reportedly the tastiest cut of meat.
  11. #11
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting They even ate a Rockefeller. Presumably as a sign of respect.

    In 1978 a Canadian geologist visiting the Asmat met a missionary named Otto Koning who showed him Rockefeller's watch and glasses and confirmed that he had been killed and eaten.
  12. #12
    Bradley Florida Man
    I have considered eating humans after watching Cannibal Warlords of Nigeria. I have eaten bites out of still warm hearts from deer before. It is typically done infront of other men i think as a "Woa!!!!!!!!!" rally cry, having your general/king/friend just rip out a heart of someone and take a nom out of it has to be the most chaotic crazy shit ever.

    I'm interested in eating brain of like animals but was always apprehensive about deer brains because of Chronic Wasting Disease which is a brain dissolving sickness that deer can carry and is a worry for hunters in my states.

    The Japanese all the way into WWII would consume the liver of enemy combatants they captured or killed, enemy's they respected, believing that the liver contains their fighting spirit. The book Flyboys - Robert Bradley recounts a POW's worst nightmare, the awareness that his body was going to be cut up and eaten by the generals very soon, they really really were respectful to the fighter pilots and bombers they shot down because of their fearlessness and great strengths and destruction.

    The VeitKong and Cambodian communist forces commonly kept alive american soldiers in their tunnels, that they would cut strips of meat off, and sear the wound closed, in order to cook in small kitchens as a supplement for protein.

    Rabbitweed gargles on semen and cleans the testicular region off on other men who thinks highly of.

    I can go on and on, we talk about things like the Donner Party and cases of starvation (like losing a war because of firebombs and eating enemies to survive. But the real fucked up part is when you're eating the heart of another dictator infront of your man after he was captured alive and encouraging your men to eat the other captured enemie soldiers and dead or the liver off an american airman you shot down because you think it's gonna make your fighting spirit stronger.

    The desire to do it makes it HELLA more fucked up.

    Humans are never helal and semen is not either, however i heard gay muslim men still swallow and all their women are 3 hole honeys too.
  13. #13
    Originally posted by aldra

    I know all groups have resorted to it at times but the fucking scale of it:

    In the first instance (Guangxi and other places during the Cultural Revolution) they weren't even starving, they did it just for fun.

    At Suiyang they ate all the women first, then kids and old men.

    all those figures has been over inflated.

    figures from cultural revolution arent necessarily accurate and the other that happened during 8th century was common occurance during the era of seize warfares.
  14. #14
    Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    Originally posted by aldra well yeah, personally I think it'd be less immoral to kill and eat a rapist or child molestor than a family pet.

    that said in many cases they weren't even starving, they just did it as a sort of bonding/dominance ritual

    there's no best reason to eat a person, one does if one must. the parsimony of what can ever be suggests to me that cannibalism is necessary more than it is usually for these reasons

    there's a precise minimum number of people who must be eaten. i wouldn't say this is an ethic as in soy's hypothetical so much as the becoming of a species progressively more available for taxation
  15. #15
    Bradley Florida Man
    i thought about making my pet fish into fish sticks but i worry about all the fucked up chemicals and shit i put in there to grow plants and nuetralize water and keep their slime coats well and don't really want to poison myself with potentially crazy differences in toxins over me bonding with 1 fish 1 fish stick.

    I'd eat my enemies dog or cat if someone stole it for me or i could get ahold of it myself. I'd send them back the tail and maybe a photo of it when it was skinned.

    But i learned how to first eat dog, cat, and pork blood from the cantonese, where i assisted in the putting down (of cats, dogs were already dead usually and skinned, but not always!), skinning, and quartering, I did not do the butchering cuz one of the line cooks was better but he sucked at english so he couldn't explain shit without the translator app. We usually kept the choicest bones and used it to make stock for doing fish boils in.

    I shit you not. I have killed, skinned, quartered, and took a break (Chinese method of working is never stop, but switch off on 1 task, back and forth, while other persond oes little thinsg like gets the fat off the meat as the other man butchers it into meat)

    Typically this was cooked with like salt water kinda soy shit, and then served in very small pieces. Your plate (as a white person, in my early 20s, who had been there the second shortest, I got to plate up my food second to last out of 6-8 men that were going to eat. I was the only white person as the other two white guys made burgers and fries and chicken and shit, but i ate cantonese every day i was th ere after the first like four or five days of eatin gburgers.

    Your plate is about 40% rice, 40%-60% vegetables from wok bowl fried, 0-20% meat or fish bowl. But they all watch one another while you scoop out the meat. AND YOU MUST NOT BE GREEDY. head cook Ken Nee was always the first to eat unless boss Paul was goin to eat, which then we would all wait to even sit so he could decide which bucket he wanted (he never wanted to sit on a bucket, he went to the office, but we have to all stand and wait or keep working) and then we could eat.

    real fucked up.

    Some cantonese wouldn't eat the pork blood made into like a jello, like half of them wouldnt. I loved it over white rice.

    oh and they had happy tea which i later found out was like monster energy blend knock off poured into a jug then tea is added, I lol'd.
  16. #16
    Bradley Florida Man
    no humans were ate that i know of.
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