Originally posted by Obbe
I'm trying to understand but none of you people ever back up your wild theories with any real data.
there is no theory. its demonstrable fact.
broken down into the simplest form for comprehension:
throughout human history a cycle has continuously flowed where a class of aristocracy has risen to the position of controlling the other classes of those subjugated. serfs...helots...proles...different names, same status. at some point the aristocracy causes or is scapegoated for the dissatisfaction of the proles whereupon the proles unite and eviscerate the aristocracy.
a little known fact is this is exactly why corporations were invented. they even spell it out precisely in legal descriptives.
currently, the aristocracy is undertaking the current strife and social upheaval in an effort to cause such splintering of focus of anger that they hope they wont be the focus of the torches and pitchforks come kristallnacht.