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This polish young homeless educated guy in Ireland reminds me or myself

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist

    too bad there is no video caprions but basically his situation is similar to mine in that he is too sensitive, he is too sensitive for the world and corporate culture and vultures like anna spysz to devour him so he just disngages from the world like I do with my ipad with beers in bars. If you are truly sensitive you vwlue art, and gay porn and digitla illustrations and vidoe production like me and if u cant make it uf all to the abyss like this guy. there really is no middle ground for people who are sensitive or can feel inside and realize what people wre about and how fucked up society is and how people wr ehypcorytes wnd two faced.

    he is asked at betinning:

    „to So it was not alcohol thwt got you in this mess? „absolutely no it is my fsmily who abandoned me.”
  2. #2
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    athe more ai listen to this guy the more sense he makes. Also ai think me being so sensitive in wocials ettings like in pubs when someone makes eye fontact with me or how i wait forever to even hint wt talking to a woman and just put my head down or get red or smile inside when a woman i find veyr attractive checks me out shows this and i think the reason older women always liked me was due to me being so sensitive.
  3. #3
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    8 minutes in he says this his cultural acceptance in Ireland was really bad or his experiences in school since he was a teenager when his fsmily rook him there. that there wre many low points of irish cukture or fsults the emdia never mentions or talks about.
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