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China sides with Palestine

  1. #41
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by aldra Western media typically understates their ties due to the US/UK's retarded attempts to 'drive a wedge between them' so I'd recommend reading Russian/Chinese media on the matter.

    pretty good article on high-level strategy in terms of co-operation
  2. #42
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Like Vincent touched on, i dont understand why India is still so basic.
  3. #43
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    How do you mean basic? Like, lacking development?
  4. #44
    rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung Like Vincent touched on, i dont understand why India is still so basic.

    Their immigrants are light years ahead of others. They 100% have the potential.

    They do have a pretty fucked up country. But they also have as many people as China, a higher birth rate, and better geography. Stand by what I said before - they will have eclipsed china in 50 years.
  5. #45
    rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra

    pretty good article on high-level strategy in terms of co-operation

    Russia won't even side with China over the Indian border conflict. The US was much stronger in their support of India, while Russia remained very muted and neutral.

    Russia big foreign policy idea is diversification. Sooner or later the time is going to come for Russia to align itself with the US, I guarantee it.
  6. #46
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by rabbitweed Russia won't even side with China over the Indian border conflict.

    Why would they?

    Words and action are very different, especially given the cultural difference.

    Originally posted by rabbitweed Sooner or later the time is going to come for Russia to align itself with the US, I guarantee it.

    LOL. One of the things Putin gets the most criticism for is the fact that he still tries to work with the US even after all the sanctions and other insults. The next Russian president will be significantly more nationalist, more like the bogeyman that US media makes Putin out to be.
  7. #47
    Originally posted by rabbitweed Their immigrants are light years ahead of others. They 100% have the potential.

    They do have a pretty fucked up country. But they also have as many people as China, a higher birth rate, and better geography. Stand by what I said before - they will have eclipsed china in 50 years.

    your basing that on the higher caste american migrants, which india proper is not.

    its majority dalit country, untouchables that arent even fit anough to migrate to their next county, much less other country.

    they're so dispicable that pakis stopped wanting to be indian and declared themselves paki, a new race of men.

    your basing your opinion of 0.01% crop of the cream american educated migrants.

    your an idiot.

    they couldnt be on par with china in 5000 years they wont top it in 50.

  8. #48
    Originally posted by rabbitweed Russia won't even side with China over the Indian border conflict. The US was much stronger in their support of India, while Russia remained very muted and neutral.

    Russia big foreign policy idea is diversification. Sooner or later the time is going to come for Russia to align itself with the US, I guarantee it.

    1 - russia is not the kind of country that enjoys meddling in other countrys internal afffairs.

    2 - siding with china would be an insult instead of being welcomed assistence. it means china is weak and couldnt handle india.

    3 - your a retard and the only thing you are allowed to do is to tend to your cows. stop talking about all else.
  9. #49
    Originally posted by aldra LOL. One of the things Putin gets the most criticism for is the fact that he still tries to work with the US even after all the sanctions and other insults. The next Russian president will be significantly more nationalist, more like the bogeyman that US media makes Putin out to be.

    you'll get a US president thats more anti russia first.
  10. #50
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    yeah but I'm not surprised by that
  11. #51
    Originally posted by aldra yeah but I'm not surprised by that

    so its onky natural the next russian president will be even more anti US.

    in decades to come if putin serves until hes 90.
  12. #52
    Soyboy 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting African Astronaut [scrub the quick-drying deinonychus]
    India and China had a few soldiers beat each other up with rocks just to play to the home crowd.

    No one actually cares about which flag flies over some god forsaken hill in the Himalayas.

    Keeping out of other people's affairs is good business and good manners. Anglos tend to forget that, they are culturally trained to see the world as a struggle between the good guys and bad guys - comic book diplomacy. There is no nuance allowed in the anglo worldview - our team good, their team bad.
  13. #53
    o, look who retracted back into his shell again.
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