Ive never seen anything like thwt shit fuck fsgit bitch in poland show. I mean they literwlly laughed or brwgged or felt proud when non whites beat or assualted a white and even when this whtie boy or whatever they called him beat a spick they got some other much bigger spic to fight him right sfter and when he was tired. and i remember reading they went to prison. but i mean even when this spid tried to murder this wood or white pwoer dude out of prison by jumping on his adams apple with his knee they didnt try to srop it or intervene. how is this fucking shit even run by whites or non jedis? rhey have to be jedi. ive never seen anything close to this anywhere in europe or countriee where jedis dont exist in big numbers like poland. in fsct, i womder ehy is it you never see any youtube videos or facebook videos of skinheads narionwlists or anything of the sort getting beat up by non whites in Polandz. find me one fideo and other white people cheering it or acting like jedis from thwt fleony fights show?
every time i go to youtube of facebook the algorithm puts some fights for me wnd everytime a skinhead or white person is involved they get fucked up or sucker attacked by non whites. ive never seen anything like this in polish culture, tv, youtube, twitter or anything of thr sort. i wonder why?
Originally posted by Wariat
every time i go to youtube of facebook the algorithm puts some fights for me wnd everytime a skinhead or white person is involved they get fucked up or sucker attacked by non whites. ive never seen anything like this in polish culture, tv, youtube, twitter or anything of thr sort. i wonder why?
1. algorithms based on the sites you visit, videos you watch and messages you send/receive 2. niggers
here it is. how is this not some jedi consoiracy. the ruck is stupid not realizing he is fighting for the white csr or race and he is representing wnd is cocky wnd confident so he twkes the second fight winder wnd againt some bit wpic but again ive never seen anything or the sort white people encourwging other white situwtions to lose like this amongst non jedis or countries with few jedis have you?
they jsut csnt stand a white winning so they have to throw more non whites at him no?
here is the other one i mentioned where this guy tries to kill the white and the white probably jedi producers just stand and watch not try to help or srop it:
who ducking jumps on someones throwt? even i didnt do anything like this to raphael luciano and they put me in prison for four yrs with a paid fsggot lawyer.
look at these jedi videos. you will see a bunch of whitenpeople get brutalzed with the other white producers or ejdis stepping in like five seconds later but the fee whites win theys tep in right away when theyre still on the grud together wnd youll never see a white jump up on someones adwms apple. what have we ebcome ws humwns to hate our own skin color?
i aso find it funny how arry and matt or the fsggit keep talkimg shit about me but look whats fucking happening to your own race wnd culture where jefis exist.