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Fona 7-18-2020

  1. #1
    Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]
    Hey guys.
    Im a bit late posting today.
    I got up about 7am and went to my buddy's parent's house to help put up an awning.
    I thought it was gonna be a new awning with instructions and stuff but instead it was "I found this awning on another house and ripped it off and stuck it in a box truck and now want it on my house" kind of deal.
    It was a good sized awning, like you could park a truck under it.
    Twas quite a project but we got it done and we each got pizza and $50.
    10/10 would do again.
    I wish I had a cargo van with a cage in the back and I'd just go into business for myself.
    My buddy's dad says he is self employed and just checks houses for radon.
    I think imma look into doing that. It sounds less physical than my warehouse shipping job.
    Anyways, how are you all?
    Anyone find anything awesome to get into today?
  2. #2
    BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I accidentally pulled the back window off my car.
    I think the bolt broke off.
    Lucky for me I had a roll of 2 inch wide clear tape and I wrapped it up.
    It is holding for now.
  3. #3
    Twas quite a project but we got it done and we each got pizza and $50.
    10/10 would do again.
    I wish I had a cargo van with a cage in the back and I'd just go into business for myself.

    Buy a van so you can haul around oversized second-hand crap for losers who will pay you 50 dollars and half a pizza hut pizza per day. It's the American dream... Talk about the fleecing of America. This isn't what your four fathers wanted for you Keenan.

    Do you even have any good pizza places there or just little Caesar's? I used to work at Hoboken pie and theres a ton of other really good places that actually make real food here. But at the end of the day I guess it doesn't really matter because you're happy eating your Doritos and lying with your head on your little pillow.
  4. #4
    BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I wanna play games but my blood is pumping too fast.
    I think imma just keep on doing Adult stuff.
    About to go get groceries for the next week.
    Maybe hit up a Goodwill on the way.
    After that ill come home and shower, eat and start to relax.
    Might even stay up past 9pm tonight if I got enough steam in me.
    Anyways guys, Chell and I are gonna go pick up more blueberry pancakes on a stick at Kroger.

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