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Why You Should Return to Work Even If Unemployment Pays More
2020-05-04 at 1:29 PM UTC
The CARES Act was enacted by the federal government in March, as legislators moved to provide immediate economic relief to American households and small businesses feeling the pinch of the pandemic economy. The CARES Act dramatically expands state unemployment benefits to help households hang on financially through these unprecedented times. Unfortunately, those robust unemployment benefits may be too generous, as some workers are declining offers from former employers to return to the workforce.
At issue is the $600 weekly supplement to state unemployment checks, enacted by the CARES Act. In many states, that extra $600 doubles or even triples unemployment payouts. Consider Alabama, which previously had a maximum weekly unemployment benefit of $275. The additional $600 increases that maximum to $875, which would be an income increase to anyone who was formerly making less than $45,000 a year. Even in Massachusetts, where benefits are the highest in the country, the extra $600 equates to a "raise" of 73%.
Reason # 4 is "You may put your employer in a tight spot" -
2020-07-14 at 11:26 AM UTCIf your employees make more on unemployment than working, you are not an employer. You are a poverty exploiter.
2020-07-14 at 12:34 PM UTC
2020-07-14 at 12:38 PM UTC
2020-07-14 at 1:09 PM UTCI don't want to sound like an ivory tower intellectual, but maybe you shouldn't derive your picture of how the world works from screenshots of tweets.
2020-07-14 at 1:40 PM UTC
2020-07-14 at 3:12 PM UTCEveryone should refuse to work until the government stops all flights and deports all immigrants. If all white people refused to work no amount of immigrants would be able to make up the loss.
The government works for us. They can't go door to door and force people to go to work at gunpoint. Violent uprising they can stop but they can't do a god damn thing about people refusing to participate in the economy.
We can force them to do all kinds of things but the boomers, Karen's, parents, immigrants, feminists, normies and leftists would never go for that. They are too wrapped up in the brainwashing of media and culture. The belief that even taking a sick day is morally wrong. These are people who spend their entire lives working for someone and only care about their yearly vacation and consumerism.
This pandemic is karma for all of their sins. We aren't allowed to mass slaughter them so God is doing it for us. -
2020-07-14 at 4 PM UTC
2020-07-14 at 4:01 PM UTC
2020-07-14 at 4:25 PM UTC
2020-07-14 at 5:04 PM UTC
2020-07-17 at 12:57 PM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!