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Americans during the Spanish flu (1918)
2020-06-26 at 2:29 PM UTC
2020-06-26 at 2:31 PM UTCsup splam long time no see
2020-06-26 at 2:38 PM UTC
Originally posted by cigreting This. She probably isnt aware that hospitals are getting extra money for each death that they classify as covid death
True. Every COVID-19 case they log they get a pile of tax dollars. That's why they certify everyone as having COVID-19, 99% of them with no testing whatsoever (read: fraud), just gross assumptions. And they intentionally killed thousands of people by putting them on respirators, when respirators were totally unnecessary and compounded their breathing problems even further to the point they all died for no reason at all, at $39,000 tax dollars for every single respirator they used to murder a patient. The nature of this particular lung infection, and its affects on the alveoli, prevents the use of a respirator, as the respirator's air pressure causes damage to the tissue and cannot provide the necessary oxygen through the accumulated fluids. Instead of helping the patient, they make matters much worse, so that someone who would have just needed some Vitamin D and perhaps a bronchial puffer and some rest was then placed into a life-threatening condition. 90%+ of the people put on the respirators died, and they already knew they would kill the patients and that they didn't need them. They were putting anybody and everybody on them, whether they needed them or not, whether they tested positive for COVID-19 or not. Just for the $$$. True story. No exaggeration. These ghouls are proven mass murderers for profit, working right out in the open, in full public view, and they have armies of mindless useful idiots like Tech and Captain Falcon and §m£ÂgØL to shield themselves with. -
2020-06-26 at 2:41 PM UTC
Originally posted by -SpectraL True. Every COVID-19 case they log they get a pile of tax dollars. That's why they certify everyone as having COVID-19, 99% of them with no testing whatsoever (read: fraud), just gross assumptions. And they intentionally killed thousands of people by putting them on respirators, when respirators were totally unnecessary and compounded their breathing problems even further to the point they all died for no reason at all, at $39,000 tax dollars for every single respirator they used to murder a patient. The nature of this particular lung infection, and its affects on the alveoli, prevents the use of a respirator, as the respirator's air pressure causes damage to the tissue and cannot provide the necessary oxygen through the accumulated fluids. Instead of helping the patient, they make matters much worse, so that someone who would have just needed some Vitamin D and perhaps a bronchial puffer and some rest was then placed into a life-threatening condition. 90%+ of the people put on the respirators died, and they already knew they would kill the patients and that they didn't need them. They were putting anybody and everybody on them, whether they needed them or not, whether they tested positive for COVID-19 or not. Just for the $$$. True story. No exaggeration. These ghouls are proven mass murderers for profit, working right out in the open, in full public view, and they have armies of mindless useful idiots like Tech and Captain Falcon and §m£ÂgØL to shield themselves with.
pretty much -
2020-06-26 at 2:43 PM UTC
2020-06-26 at 2:47 PM UTC
2020-06-26 at 2:57 PM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-06-26 at 3:01 PM UTC
2020-06-26 at 3:04 PM UTCYou're being lied to. There is no actual health crisis. They are using this virus as a smokescreen to bring in their socialist new world order, which they have renamed to the new normal. Don't fall for their lies! Do your own research and find out the truth they are not giving you! Resist all overtures like untested "vaccines" for profit and privacy invasions!! This is a test run for End Game!
2020-06-26 at 3:05 PM UTC
2020-06-26 at 3:06 PM UTC
2020-06-26 at 3:10 PM UTC
Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace
Nobody dies 'of old age'
You're a mindless lemming who's been wrong about everything, did exactly zero research on the subject, which is painfully obvious, and now you're reduced to playing with words. You better up your game, son. You're not playing with amateurs here. This is the big leagues. -
2020-06-26 at 3:10 PM UTC
2020-06-26 at 3:25 PM UTC
2020-06-26 at 3:26 PM UTCThe government has given out 1,560,000,000 to hospitals!
Lets see that legislature! -
2020-06-26 at 3:31 PM UTC
2020-06-26 at 3:41 PM UTC
Originally posted by cigreting This. She probably isnt aware that hospitals are getting extra money for each death that they classify as covid death
Oh I’m very aware. That’s part of the bipartisan Cares Act. My company bills the feds for most of our Covid testing. That’s how it’s supposed to work. Got a problem with it take it up with the feds. -
2020-06-26 at 3:52 PM UTC
Originally posted by Technologist Oh I’m very aware. That’s part of the bipartisan Cares Act. My company bills the feds for most of our Covid testing. That’s how it’s supposed to work. Got a problem with it take it up with the feds.
Why take it up with the feds? It's your pariah administration who's sucking up all the money under false pretenses. -
2020-06-26 at 3:55 PM UTC
2020-06-26 at 4 PM UTC