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Candy rain has no one to fuck

  1. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Do you really need me to dig up your post history?

    You say that a lot, do you keep it all indexed like some stalkerish homo/pedo hybrid?
  2. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson You say that a lot, do you keep it all indexed like some stalkerish homo/pedo hybrid?

    Its called the search function retard.

    Bill Krozby posted a story once where the girl said no, was half asleep, and he fucked her anyway. I know I'm not the only one who remembers. This was before mal.

    Nevermind that he's a convicted woman choker. I didn't even hit hydro and this dude chokes women over mere verbal arguments. He has no self control.
  3. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Its called the search function retard.

    Bill Krozby posted a story once where the girl said no, was half asleep, and he fucked her anyway. I know I'm not the only one who remembers. This was before mal.

    Nevermind that he's a convicted woman choker. I didn't even hit hydro and this dude chokes women over mere verbal arguments. He has no self control.

    ahh no never happened. this isn't your weekend at bernies sexual fantasty §m£ÂgØL
  4. Originally posted by Bill Krozby women cry rape all the time, I've had at least 5 girls in the last ten years accuse me of rape. (many girls have rape fantasies/ don't want to come off as whores since they are so uptight) One time several years ago I was seeing this slam piece and I realized she was crazy and I wasn't that attracted to her, so I pack up all of her stuff that she left at my place, her glasses, panties, and nightmare on elm street dvd box set into a shoe box and go drop it off to her sister one morning, she calls me while she's at work (she's a keyboarding teacher at a middle school) very upset and crying and asking why I'm doing this to her, I act all non chelant about it hang up. Later that night I end up taking some valium and drinking, get horny and knowing that she's in a vulnerable state call her up and ask if I can come over for the sex. She picks up and sounds really depressed and says yeah I can comeover.

    I go over and get undressed and start running my benzo'd out mouth about how I want to fuck her sister, she gets really pissed and slaps me, I throw my empty 40oz against the wall and start shouting at her, she tells me she's sorry and starts crying and gives me a blow job. after I'm done I tell her that I still want to fuck her sister and she flips out again and starts beating on me. I cover my naked little body with her comforter and curl up in fetal position, she leaves the room and comes back with her sister and her neighbor some ugly bitch, and they start trying to take the comforter off me and im clinging onto it like a cat, saying how they are going to get their other her husband to come kick my ass. I say "lol you have a husband? leave me alone I just want to sleep"

    They end up calling the cops and say yeah we got this skinny drunk guy with tattoos that won't leave. I realize im fucked if I don't leave now, so I get my pants on grab my shirt and run off, I get in my car and start driving out of the apartment complex but the cops are already right there at the exit. This black cop tells me to get my shirt on, I fumble around with my shirt and he tells me I'm a dumbass and even his 5 year old step son can dress himself better than me.

    They arrest me, put me in the car and they don't drive me to central booking downtown, I look on the pigs computer screen in the car and it says my name and that I've been arrested for "sexual assualt" They drive me to some weird precinct (ive been arrested numerous times and was not aware of this place at all) they have some sexy detective lady confiscate my phone and look through it (it's full of pictures of my dick and slampigs) she ask what the deal is what happened and I basically lie to her about everything, luckily it now 5 am and I'm a lot more sober so I pull it off, she ask me "whyd you go over to her place, to get a piece of ass or something?" and I say yeah…

    She says that the girl claimed I orally raped her but that she doesn't believe the bitch that she just seems upset I acted like a dick so she's going to drive me back to my car and let me go, just don't talk to that girl anymore. So I get back to my car go to the 711 and get a 4loko and go home.

    Funny thing about this was a couple years later I was arrested for choking my ex gf and the cop that kicked in my door was the same black cop. When he was patting me down before putting me in the car I purposefully started resisting because he should mind his own business, the idiot had to call the station because he didn't know how to enter in his report into the car computer.

    But yeah chicks scream rape all the time. I've been sexually aggressive and lightly coerced girls before but I've never just straight up raped a girl.
  5. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Do you really need me to dig up your post history? I don't just make this shit up.

    I don't need you to dig anything up. And yes you make stuff up. Having consensual sex is not rape. But there with online dating sites with cooky bimbos you're willing to find a few that like to make up stuff like you.

    §m£ÂgØL is such a hoser, he'd probably stick his butt up in the air squealing "oooh noooo! please don't ram your big dick inside of me!" while wiggling his hips looking back at you.
  6. Originally posted by Bill Krozby I don't need you to dig anything up. And yes you make stuff up. Having consensual sex is not rape. But there with online dating sites with cooky bimbos you're willing to find a few that like to make up stuff like you.

    §m£ÂgØL is such a hoser, he'd probably stick his butt up in the air squealing "oooh noooo! please don't ram your big dick inside of me!" while wiggling his hips looking back at you.

    Yeah ok rapist.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Yeah ok rapist.

    still don't see how I'm a rapist.
  8. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by CandyRein

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. Dregs African Astronaut [that freakishly double-edged allmouth]

    IS THIS TRUTH ABOUT I HAVE BEEN SUSPECTING ALL ALONG?? that the reason there is so much tension, viciousness, and brutality between Candy and Octavian is they are a real life couple? they beat each other down emotionally and physically in real life but act like school kids bullying and stalking each other online in a way as a cover up their real life issues

    Bahhh Gawd Man! You are a genius...and Sherlock Holmes yet not so white and old. Bravo sir! I didn't come forward out of the fear I was wrong but you have proven me totally right. Thank you for that.
  10. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace NEW new list

    People on candyrein's side

    Frala (alcoholic)

    Scron (tweaker)

    Vinny (pedophile)

    CandyRein (black)

    People in the cool club

    Octavian (male model)

    Grylls (international stud)

    Mmq (stand up comedian)

    Me (published author and musician)

    People unaffiliated with either side but r still super cool

    Technologist (cancer survivor and mamma bear)


    Bill Krozby (rapist)

    Don’t forget my benzos
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    i dont even do drugs anymore fuck you
  12. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]

  13. Originally posted by frala Don’t forget my benzos

    Yeah how could i forget the retard pills
  14. Maybe you’re taking them too
  15. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    If you don't want to fuck candy and eat her booty like a smorgasbord than you are a homosexual.
  16. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Dregs ALDRA!!!

    IS THIS TRUTH ABOUT I HAVE BEEN SUSPECTING ALL ALONG?? that the reason there is so much tension, viciousness, and brutality between Candy and Octavian is they are a real life couple? they beat each other down emotionally and physically in real life but act like school kids bullying and stalking each other online in a way as a cover up their real life issues

    Bahhh Gawd Man! You are a genius…and Sherlock Holmes yet not so white and old. Bravo sir! I didn't come forward out of the fear I was wrong but you have proven me totally right. Thank you for that.

    would be pretty funny but we've all seen pics of Oct and he doesn't have that gay forearm tattoo
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