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sum1 i no

  1. #1
    brandon Yung Blood
    oksolikeanyways now its time 2 anser this qwestion

    i no a guy and he dose the folowing and wondring if this is do 2 long term meth use

    wen every1 rote there name on a fone number list he rote is email
    wen he made mac n chz 1 time he didnt eat it and insted put the entire thing in the sink and filled it with water
    he maxe girl chz in the oven and buters the rong side of the bred
    he wanted the door closed so he dose not smell weed smoke in his room-smokes sigerets in his room
    wen he saw that a decerashin was crooked he said it was "out of focus"

    now time 2 anser me thx idk if hes just done 2 much meth! or if he just doesnt no about the world around him
  2. #2
    bling bling Dark Matter
  3. #3
    wen every1 rote there name on a fone number list he rote is email
    maybe he doesnt have phone #?
    wen he made mac n chz 1 time he didnt eat it and insted put the entire thing in the sink and filled it with water
    fuck mak and cheese
    he maxe girl chz in the oven and buters the rong side of the bred
    thats pretty retarded but how well can he spell?
    he wanted the door closed so he dose not smell weed smoke in his room-smokes sigerets in his room
    wen he saw that a decerashin was crooked he said it was "out of focus"
    trolling at its tinnest
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