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What did you dream about last night?

  1. #21
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    Austin Texas


  2. #22
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
  3. #23
    i went 2 a knocked loose concert i met a cute girl and she told me modest mouse was opening and i was like WHAT NO WAY I LOVE MODEST MOUSE kinda exaggerated because i want her to think i have an appreciation for life. then i woke up before concert started
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #24
    I've been having this dream reoccur throughout my whole life. For some reason it always starts with me being on a cruise ship and every single time it ends up crashing and then im basically apart of the titanic. I guess i'm not meant to go on a cruise ship
  5. #25
    Originally posted by paradoxspace I've been having this dream reoccur throughout my whole life. For some reason it always starts with me being on a cruise ship and every single time it ends up crashing and then im basically apart of the titanic. I guess i'm not meant to go on a cruise ship

    The trips are way too expensive considering the actual deal. Fuck swimming hotels. I don't get it.

    Anyway, if I was you, I'd definitely do it. Just to see if the dream would reoccur or change after the experience. (Pro tip: it won't because you'll die)
  6. #26
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    I was with some sniper on a roof I said BOO so he missed and ended up shooting some random dude
  7. #27
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Played blackjack with some smoking hot broad who agrees to come home with me
  8. #28
    I dreamt I was riding a helicopter. We must have been in new york or some shit because it was a sort of city tour. Anyway as we are flyin we take a hard turn and the chopper starts to go down. It felt real as hell, g forces and shit. I remember the descent and the panic of the (now that I think about it way too many) people inside the chopper. My last thought before the crash was that I needed to use my body to protect my significant other from the crash even though that is probably an excersise in futility during an event like this.
  9. #29
    I had a weird dream. It started where I was in some sort of high rise executive office all dressed up for business. I walked around a bit and then noticed Trump (yeah, really lol) sitting at a large desk in front of a bank of windows. I went over to the desk and he started talking to be like I'm some sort of assistant and gives me an assignment to do.

    Next thing I know I'm out running on a country road with a knife in my hand and come by a game of pickup basketball. I stop to play basketball (win I think?) then am suddenly back in the elevator of the office building. As the elevator is going up the number 6 sticks out on the little floor reader thingy, and when I step into the office 6 years had magically passed since my last visit.

    A new guy is sitting at the desk instead of Trump who greets me, and I try to play it cool since everyone else except me seems to remember the last 6 years but I actually freak out a bit. I ask about Trump, and the new guy (his old partner) chuckles a bit. Then, Trump sticks his head through the office wall to say hello and I can see behind him that he's in a meeting of some sorts.

    Then I woke up...
  10. #30
    Originally posted by RisiR The trips are way too expensive considering the actual deal. Fuck swimming hotels. I don't get it.

    Anyway, if I was you, I'd definitely do it. Just to see if the dream would reoccur or change after the experience. (Pro tip: it won't because you'll die)

    Ive been on a few rides on pretty large boats too go whale watching with family , but i guess a full blown cruise ship would be my demise. I don't really mind the dreams , sometimes its horrible and like im apart of the 2012 movie and sometimes i end up becoming a god and doing some insane shit. Most the time its usually me watching everyone die tragically lool. I don't even have a fear of going on boats/ships so its odd i have this dream always.
  11. #31
    bling bling Dark Matter
    u cont come to defacate me
  12. #32
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Dargo I had a weird dream. It started where I was in some sort of high rise executive office all dressed up for business. I walked around a bit and then noticed Trump (yeah, really lol) sitting at a large desk in front of a bank of windows. I went over to the desk and he started talking to be like I'm some sort of assistant and gives me an assignment to do.

    Next thing I know I'm out running on a country road with a knife in my hand and come by a game of pickup basketball. I stop to play basketball (win I think?) then am suddenly back in the elevator of the office building. As the elevator is going up the number 6 sticks out on the little floor reader thingy, and when I step into the office 6 years had magically passed since my last visit.

    A new guy is sitting at the desk instead of Trump who greets me, and I try to play it cool since everyone else except me seems to remember the last 6 years but I actually freak out a bit. I ask about Trump, and the new guy (his old partner) chuckles a bit. Then, Trump sticks his head through the office wall to say hello and I can see behind him that he's in a meeting of some sorts.

    Then I woke up…

    Sounds pretty dope tbh.
  13. #33
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