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Deleted posts for: death to all jedis

  1. #1
    death to all jews Yung Blood (banned)
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny lots of surrogates you have there.

    some chicks need something smaller in comparison to what i have in my pants.
  2. #2
    death to all jews Yung Blood (banned)
    Originally posted by Cly or else cuck, you're not that offensive

    show your face

    request denied
  3. #3
    death to all jews Yung Blood (banned)
    Originally posted by ORACLE He is fat and ugly, there was a picture of him floating around from when he "looked good" and it was still really bad.

    moo, mother fucker. post picture or fake news, faggot.

    at my current height/weight ratio, according to the internetz, i am 'overweight'

    a year or so ago according to the same site i was 'grossly obese'

    the picture i posted is accurate enough however ive lost some weight while still having strength translate that however gives you a warm and tingly sensation in your loins.
  4. #4
    death to all jews Yung Blood (banned)
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Which ad? Who posted it?

    one of your pimps

    go ask
  5. #5
    death to all jews Yung Blood (banned)
    Originally posted by cigreting why is it that less than a month ago grylls had 10000 posts and now he has over 14000. Shit isnt adding up, is a mod able to modify post counts?

    this is the best thing you can think of to bitch and moan about...
  6. #6
    death to all jews Yung Blood (banned)
    Originally posted by cigreting ill compare assets with you any time youd like you pathetic faggot

    post pics of assets, preferably well splayed
  7. #7
    death to all jews Yung Blood (banned)
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby A lot of you don't know this about me but I'm a 2 time felon and don't do those crimes anymore. But I was wondering if rape was made legal there would be less rape. Like in judicial system rape is totally allowed, say you got you got caught with some weed and sent to prison where you could be raped and the co's allow it while pushing drugs into the prisons. shouldn't rape be legal? It is on a lot of cases.

    But then this pushes me towards pondering about how if they can rape then why can't I? if you're too weak to defend yourself you probably deserved to get raped. Life feeds on life. like if that gont that choked that nigger previously been pulled over the hood of his car and raped he probably would of quit the force and not killed that black guy.

    I personally think anyone who makes false outrages about being should be raped. It's just how it should go so they know what real rape victims go through, you know? Just like drugs if you made them legal people wouldn't do them as much but thats what im getting at.

    help stop rape.

    just say yes.

    now bring your pretty little face over here so i can not rape it because youre too weak to prevent me from doing whatever i want to whichever of your orifices i want to do it to.
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