I think my favorite test things or is it going to be like my bucket of Legos ham me down and then my walkie talkies and then my rock polisher machine and then my soldering iron well my dad's but he never used it so it was basically mine that way I could take apart junk Electronics 2 Savage all the little pieces I've never knew how to do anything with and burn my fingers and inhale solder fumes
And then hot glue gun damn that was fun just going to shut out of everything gluing guy said and holy f*** did I burn the s*** out of my hands with that thing so many times and then I would just be like stupid I just put the Hochuli right in my fingertips like some kind of dumbass but anyway I really like glue and Mike's steaks and popsicle Twigs together I was so cool
When I was kid I always always always always wanted a Dremel tool but I could never get one because I was just a dumb kid with no money but then like 10 years ago finally I bought my Dremel and actually is a pretty neat tool if you put a cutting wheel or a carbide Burr on it and it's pretty useful thing but now I'm going to save up and I went to get the Milwaukee M12 die grinder it will be the tool that I always imagined my dremel would be
Also I had like this cool ass lamp used to incandescent light bulb the heat from it will I go through the fins and make it spin and then I protected all these Turtles are dolphins or something if under the wall do the thing is so cool about my brother always told me it was gay fuck him hee just never had a sick ass lamp also I had the coolest lava lamp which unfortunately I left played with outside and left out in the winter and got jacked up cuz that's how kids take care of stuff is that put it outside in the winter banana thing was like mesmerizing
That reminders me my cousin my always had all of the best Play-Doh gear like the extruder thing that would make like origami noodles and all that also they had for the sick Lite-Brite man that thing was sick also they had a bunch of stupid ass board games which I did not care for except for trouble because I was damn good at trouble
the new jersey rat was my favorite. But I can't recall but why are they fighting each other? and why turn into "beast" and why are there no other people/animals/robots on that planet besides them? Is it even earth?