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No American should have to work more than 40h a week to get by

  1. #1
    The pride in working hard is ridiculous. Your life doesn't get better working 60h a week, it gets shittier.

    As a society we should pride ourselves in taking care of our citizens.

    40h of minimum wage should be enough to pay rent and food. That's good, honest work. If companies honestly can't afford to pay that (protip: they can) then we can subsidize it like we do for farmers.

    Everyone calling them 'front line workers' and talking about how essential they are, yet everything is gonna go back to the way it was when this is all over.

    Jeff Benzos should be hung from a tree
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #2
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Man child mommas boi detected..

    jeff bozos shouldn't be hung, he's just playing by the rules, you idiots voted in these assclowns to run your lyfe then you bitch about it.
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  3. #3
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    hydromorphone doesn't bitch all the time about the gubberment, she doesn't live with her parents, she doesn't work 40 hours a week, maybe you should take a lesson from her. Ever heard the phrase work smarter not harder?

    My friend is an architect and he actually likes what he does because its his passion and its made him extremely wealthy. And I look up to people like that. Not the §m£ÂgØLs, the weeel hungs, the privacy cunts (funny how a lot of these losers come from chicago) of the world who's only job is to go to the methadone clinic.

    like it doesn't even make since why you're bitching about jobs and people getting a stimulus, because you live with your parents and you're not getting anything because you don't work.

    One way or the other you have to do something to sleep in sheets but I wouldn't expect someone like you to understand that. How many hours do you purpose people work?
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  4. #4
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    businesses can't afford to keep up with a living wage
  5. #5
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    youre a lazy n33t mexican, you are irrelevant to the world, stop whining about how unfair things are like anybody gives a shit
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  6. #6
    cigreting Dark Matter
    Your such a dumbass and out of touch with reality its hilarious. Some jobs arent set up to make a living wage, they are for students, temporary work, or jobs that require no skill. They should not pay a higher than living wage, if they did then the price of everything would increase dramatically including wages in other skilled jobs/careers.

    Usually poor uneducated people live with multiple others to share living costs and they get by just fine. Sacrifices usually make people work harder to get out of the situation they are in so they don't have to make the same decisions in the future.

    Instead of whining about it you could get some type of education or skills that would allow you a better job, this would in turn make your loving situation better as well, retard
  7. #7
    stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Marlboro Man...what a dumb statement when unemployment is predicted to be 25%, a number not seen since the Great Depression. Most did nothing wrong yet may end up living on the street and mugging you so they can eat.

    Fucking Republicans.
  8. #8
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace The pride in working hard is ridiculous. Your life doesn't get better working 60h a week, it gets shittier.

    As a society we should pride ourselves in taking care of our citizens.

    40h of minimum wage should be enough to pay rent and food. That's good, honest work. If companies honestly can't afford to pay that (protip: they can) then we can subsidize it like we do for farmers.

    Everyone calling them 'front line workers' and talking about how essential they are, yet everything is gonna go back to the way it was when this is all over.

    Jeff Benzos should be hung from a tree

    If your working to get by your doing it all wrong
  9. #9
    tee hee hee Naturally Camouflaged [slangily complete this slumberer]
    I agree. A 3 day work week, 12pm to 2pm with a 1hr lunch break. Mmr for prime Minister!!!
  10. #10
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Man child mommas boi detected..

    jeff bozos shouldn't be hung, he's just playing by the rules, you idiots voted in these assclowns to run your lyfe then you bitch about it.

    He's playing by the rules he and rich people like him paid for you retard. You're literally a rapist, don't talk to me.
  11. #11
    Originally posted by tee hee hee I agree. A 3 day work week, 12pm to 2pm with a 1hr lunch break. Mmr for prime Minister!!!

  12. #12
    CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    I work like 25 right now and i still hate my life. Even with reduced hours, even if i made double what i make now, i still wouldnt be able to survive on it. It is what it is, but it kinda sucks. But thats why you get an education and dont get strung out and do stupid shit.
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  13. #13
    WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    I make the wage I set as a goal for myself 3-4 yrs ago and I live pretty comfortably and buy most of whatever I want but I’m not really getting super ahead or anything. I do the 40 hr work week and probably work a diligent 15-20 per week. Life is decent but I’m still a peon. I just wanted to share that
  14. #14
    CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by WE SMOOTH I make the wage I set as a goal for myself 3-4 yrs ago and I live pretty comfortably and buy most of whatever I want but I’m not really getting super ahead or anything. I do the 40 hr work week and probably work a diligent 15-20 per week. Life is decent but I’m still a peon. I just wanted to share that

    You work in an office now right? like insurance or something? what made u get into what you do now?
  15. #15
    Jesus Houston
    Originally posted by cigreting Your such a dumbass and out of touch with reality its hilarious. Some jobs arent set up to make a living wage, they are for students, temporary work, or jobs that require no skill. They should not pay a higher than living wage, if they did then the price of everything would increase dramatically including wages in other skilled jobs/careers.

    Usually poor uneducated people live with multiple others to share living costs and they get by just fine. Sacrifices usually make people work harder to get out of the situation they are in so they don't have to make the same decisions in the future.

    Instead of whining about it you could get some type of education or skills that would allow you a better job, this would in turn make your loving situation better as well, retard

    That's sad though. Nobody was born by choice so nobody should be expected to get a degree or learn some speshul skill in order to get by. The easiest jobs should still pay enough for a person to have reasonable shelter food and waters.

    40 hours a week is a weird arbitrary number that doesn't even make sense either. 40. Yes 40 a week. That sounds right. Let's go with 40, Dan. Oh you think 30 would be better? You want to live a good life but only work 30 hours a week, and have 10 extra hours a week to do what you want? No! Fuck that. 40 it is. You dont deserve to be happy if you dont work at least 40 hours every week of your life.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. #16
    CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    40 hrs a week should be enough for a shitty apartment, food, insurance, minor medical bills and cat food.
  17. #17
    Originally posted by Jesus That's sad though. Nobody was born by choice so nobody should be expected to get a degree or learn some speshul skill in order to get by. The easiest jobs should still pay enough for a person to have reasonable shelter food and waters.

    40 hours a week is a weird arbitrary number that doesn't even make sense either. 40. Yes 40 a week. That sounds right. Let's go with 40, Dan. Oh you think 30 would be better? You want to live a good life but only work 30 hours a week, and have 10 extra hours a week to do what you want? No! Fuck that. 40 it is. You dont deserve to be happy if you dont work at least 40 hours every week of your life.

    yea, 40hrs is pretty arbitrary. spics are not known for their reasoning skills.

    id rather work 40 hours non stop amd then have the rest of the week off.
  18. #18
    Jesus Houston
    Originally posted by CASPER 40 hrs a week should be enough for a shitty apartment, food, insurance, minor medical bills and cat food.

    Zero hours a week should be enough for that. Jobs are GAY. they should be optional for persons that want to live more luxuriously but any person ever should be granted a house and food and water, for life, by default. By their parents. Lol. I didnt ask to be fucking born! Dont expect me to "earn my life". Bullshit. Lol
  19. #19
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    In China, they work for 10 cents an hour on 14 hour shifts and are locked into the factories with chains on the door and they sleep six to a closet in there and eat boiled noodles three times a day... and they are very happy with the arrangment.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. #20
    CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Like for instance my full time paychecks are like 780. A dirt cheap 2 bedroom apt is like $1400. Utilities. My phone bill is 60, My car insurance is 170. Internet 50. Gas only like 60. Groceries 300-400. And thats bare essentials living. Could probably live off rice and beans and take a scooter to work but at that point why not just die.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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