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Trump wants to give stimulus 'another shot'. Trump advisor says another check is 'pretty likely'
2020-05-24 at 10:50 PM UTC
Originally posted by Firekrochfatty I'm waaay too old, too mean, (not a tough guy, just mean/evil) and "Wicked". and just plain hideous to be any type of playa, or need anything from anyone. and I certainly ain't saving anyone. I have huge reasons for hating white power. I lived in The tail end times of lynchings in New Orleans. I've seen it in person, and told I was next. He came out of nowhere and I answered his call. That simple.
Who gave you this pro? -
2020-05-24 at 10:53 PM UTC
Originally posted by Firekrochfatty I'm waaay too old, too mean, (not a tough guy, just mean/evil) and "Wicked". and just plain hideous to be any type of playa, or need anything from anyone. and I certainly ain't saving anyone. I have huge reasons for hating white power. I lived in The tail end times of lynchings in New Orleans. I've seen it in person, and told I was next. He came out of nowhere and I answered his call. That simple.
tail end. thats funny.
the lynchings havent even started yet. -
2020-05-24 at 10:56 PM UTC
2020-05-24 at 11:01 PM UTC
2020-05-24 at 11:02 PM UTC
2020-05-24 at 11:43 PM UTC
2020-05-24 at 11:43 PM UTCHey Fire :)The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-05-24 at 11:48 PM UTC
2020-05-24 at 11:48 PM UTC
2020-05-24 at 11:51 PM UTC
2020-05-24 at 11:52 PM UTC
2020-05-24 at 11:54 PM UTC
2020-05-25 at 12:03 AM UTCSounds amazing! Shrimp on the grill is the best, and hopefully you have some garlic butter to dip them in, just thought about how good that might be... Grilled carrots are the only way to eat them other than juicing them with granny smith apples. sounds like a satisfying evening...
92 and dry out here... Windy as hell up here, with dust devils everywhere down in the valley below! love it!
My boss just dropped a pizza by up here not 5 minutes ago. Not chicago, by any means, but pizzas are rare here, and it's damn good! Chilled water, a pure luxury... other than that, just taking in the yellow haze over the other mountains.... -
2020-05-25 at 12:16 AM UTClol §m£ÂgØL I thought you were wealthy ?! Qualifying for a relief check lmao.
2020-05-25 at 12:28 AM UTC
2020-05-25 at 12:33 AM UTC
Originally posted by Firekrochfatty Sounds amazing! Shrimp on the grill is the best, and hopefully you have some garlic butter to dip them in, just thought about how good that might be… Grilled carrots are the only way to eat them other than juicing them with granny smith apples. sounds like a satisfying evening…
92 and dry out here… Windy as hell up here, with dust devils everywhere down in the valley below! love it!
My boss just dropped a pizza by up here not 5 minutes ago. Not chicago, by any means, but pizzas are rare here, and it's damn good! Chilled water, a pure luxury… other than that, just taking in the yellow haze over the other mountains….
these were Cajun shrimp, no butter on them. But I did put them in a taco ;))
You ever have orange-carrot juice? It's my favorite juice. My grandfather used to drop a tequila shot in his.
Post pics of mountains! -
2020-05-25 at 12:34 AM UTC
2020-05-25 at 12:39 AM UTC
Originally posted by mmQ G House. Wealth is defined in the heart. 💓 live laugh love.
Also I think like 95% of the population qualified for the check.
That's rich from the one tossing out gems like " I have more $ than you,etc." lol @ 95% good luck sourcing that non-sense.
Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace >eating shrimp and steak
G, I know you don't make over 150k a year. Quit pretending. I've seen what your house and wife look like and you are at most middle class.
lol ok son, my "wife" you have me confused in your skitzoid boggled mind. -
2020-05-25 at 12:42 AM UTC
Originally posted by G That's rich from the one tossing out gems like " I have more $ than you,etc." lol @ 95% good luck sourcing that non-sense.
lol ok son, my "wife" you have me confused in your skitzoid boggled mind.
IDGAF I've seen it. I'm not here to have internet battles with you. I'm dropping the truth. If you actually had money you wouldn't be wearing half your bank account around your neck and buying discount sports cars to fix up with shit from Walmart. -
2020-05-25 at 12:43 AM UTCthis nigga 67 and he doesn't have a wife, how sad.