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Give this Polish group dismantled in Spain some respect please

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    They deserve it.

    Spanish national police, working in collaboration with the European police agency Europol, has dismantled a Polish criminal organisation involved in human trafficking, drug dealing and money laundering in Spain, Poland and Denmark.

    Five people were arrested in the Spanish province of Malaga, while two others were detained in Poland.

    The gang members arrested in Spain, who have have been charged with drug trafficking and forgery of documents, are also wanted in Poland for murder, trafficking in women for the purpose of sexual exploitation, money laundering and belonging to a criminal organisation.

    More than 2,500 marijuana plants, 220 kilos of hashish, extensive documentation, several electronic devices and 5,000 euros in cash were seized during the searches of two properties in Malaga.

    In addition to this, a hydroponic marijuana crop was dismantled in an industrial warehouse located in the town of Estepona near Malaga.

    The investigation began in Spain six months ago when the authorities became aware that a Polish drug trafficking organisation had settled on the Costa del Sol.

    Once settled in Spain, members of the organisation began growing large quantities of marijuana for distribution in other European countries.

    The gang are a high priority target for the security forces in Poland where they are known to specialise in violent crime usually involving knives, machetes or bats. Besides international drug trafficking, they are also wanted for trafficking in human beings for the purpose of sexual exploitation in Denmark and Poland.

    According to the Polish authorities the organisation is known to tattoo the women they force to work in its brothels to in order to identify them as the gang’s ‘property’.
  2. #2
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    whats crazy is you never hear of or see groups like this within Poland much anymore but they seem all over other eu countries. I just dont get it. Easy money? bigger bucks?
  3. #3
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    lol I guarantee this is a hooligan or proud ultra group due to the way the article claims they dont use guns but knives and bats to settle matters or hands. Ultras to the fucking core. fuck umerica and its guns and larry.
  4. #4
    Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by Wariat lol I guarantee this is a hooligan or proud ultra group due to the way the article claims they dont use guns but knives and bats to settle matters or hands. Ultras to the fucking core. fuck umerica and its guns and larry.

    sounds like a bunch of unterbottoms that are not only skeered of guns but are proles of the aristocracy that dont allow their slaves real weapons.

  5. #5
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    its probably because theyre so tough snd ruthless no one would even try shooting st them in sny country.
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