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Why are Midwesterners so beta?
2020-05-03 at 5:17 AM UTC
Originally posted by Firekrochfatty You pass around your petty ghey baiting comments around…. why?
There are probably gay people that wrestle, go talk to them.
We are not part of it, nor do we put down those that are.
We really don't fucking care. our goal is to win our flag, not to ask "are you gay?" before a match.
If this is that important to you, in this day and age, then you're in trouble, cause that stuff's all around you. I'm in the desert, and away from all you little humans because I enjoy not dealing with human pettiness… Or "relationships of any kind… and it's too easy to consider a food source again. Out here in the desert, You are not the top of the food chain. Respect that.
just stop including us in your little baiting sessions. it's bullshit. you're smarter than all these pups that do, right? act like it.
i didnt say wresstling is gay, i said its homosexual.
that is to say only persons of the same gender are allowed to wrestle each other, which are usually man against man. -
2020-05-03 at 5:18 AM UTC
Originally posted by Sudo Vinny is at least bisexual and lives in a repressive culture or at least lives a repressive lifestyle where he's ashamed of who he is, so he trolls and likes to imply latent hoosexual tendencies in others so he feels less alone. He doesn't mean any harm I don't think he's just a little queer is all
sounds like projection.
are you also living an opressed lyfe ? -
2020-05-03 at 5:26 AM UTC
2020-05-03 at 5:28 AM UTC
2020-05-03 at 5:30 AM UTC
2020-05-03 at 5:35 AM UTC
2020-05-03 at 5:41 AM UTCOk Beavis. what-ever. ......whatareya 14?
yanno what? yoo need to write a song called, "Me and Miy Peeenus" (sung to the tune of "Me and my shadow")
It'll give you something to do. It might be a hit. -
2020-05-03 at 5:53 AM UTCBunch of fucking pussies.
Mideasterners now those guys are badass. They fight tyranny on the daily. Not start some silly chant. -
2020-05-03 at 9 AM UTCBunch of bigots why do they fight trannys
2020-05-03 at 9:18 AM UTCFound a new gf for scronny. Doesnt have a dick but modern,edical science can fix that
https://efukt.com/23085_The_OFFICIAL_Queen_of_Weeaboos.html -
2020-05-03 at 9:23 AM UTCBut she's a whore!
2020-05-03 at 9:24 AM UTCyou can count on a whore tho
2020-05-03 at 9:59 AM UTC
2020-05-03 at 10:25 AM UTCwhy are people so gay?
2020-05-03 at 10:27 AM UTC
2020-05-03 at 10:27 AM UTC
2020-05-03 at 10:35 AM UTCMorning Casper ☕️
2020-05-03 at 10:51 AM UTC
2020-05-03 at 11:02 AM UTCScron why you keep calling me a penis?
2020-05-03 at 11:03 AM UTCPns means post nude selfie.