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I'm getting reported evidently for being a skinner..

  1. #41
    larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Nonce Defender Taskforce X ^
  2. #42
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I don't see why you put down Bill Krozby he's a good gont and a hard working real american

    He doesn't like me because he doesn't like people that have lived a different life than him, he's a total nazi, which is really rich considering he's jedi. People wouldn't make fun of him so much if he wasn't always mad, he cherry picks who he likes because they don't call him out on his bullshit or are into exactly the same hobbies/music he's into.

    He's private messaged me like 50 times literally saying "HEY KRO CHECK OUT THIS INDUSTRIAL BAND! I DON"T WHY YOU DON"T APPRECIATE TEH QUALITY!"

    But hey to each their own, If being a normie means I enjoy concerts and drinking and drying humping chickens, I'd rather have that than play playstation all day.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #43
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    i domt know man. thwt lifestyle of being used by femwles wnd dry humping them any chance you get gets tiring snd can just bring more toruble or misery thwn tis worth.
  4. #44
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Wariat i domt know man. thwt lifestyle of being used by femwles wnd dry humping them any chance you get gets tiring snd can just bring more toruble or misery thwn tis worth.

    at the blink182 concert I wasn't being used by females, they were buying me drinks and grinding on me and wanting me to protect them from the fat shirtless sweaty mexican guy that was raging. Idk whats the point of going to bars / music venues if you're not going to enjoy yourself?

    I don't mind getting used for sex by women because I'm not a skinner.
  5. #45
    Hikikomori-Fujoshi African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby He doesn't like me because he doesn't like people that have lived a different life than him, he's a total nazi, which is really rich considering he's jedi. People wouldn't make fun of him so much if he wasn't always mad, he cherry picks who he likes because they don't call him out on his bullshit or are into exactly the same hobbies/music he's into.

    He's private messaged me like 50 times literally saying "HEY KRO CHECK OUT THIS INDUSTRIAL BAND! I DON"T WHY YOU DON"T APPRECIATE TEH QUALITY!"

    But hey to each their own, If being a normie means I enjoy concerts and drinking and drying humping chickens, I'd rather have that than play playstation all day.

    Just trying to show you some actual Industrial music.
    You're obviously new to the genre, seeing as you can't tell the difference between Industrial and power electronics and you think bands like static x and einsturzende Neubauten are part of the genre.

    And yes you're a total normie and huge douchebag.
    You have tattoos, go to bars to talk about your boring normie life and you brag about your sex life ... You couldn't be any more normie if you tried.
  6. #46
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Fujoshi Just trying to show you some actual Industrial music.
    You're obviously new to the genre, seeing as you can't tell the difference between Industrial and power electronics and you think bands like static x and einsturzende Neubauten are part of the genre.

    And yes you're a total normie and huge douchebag.
    You have tattoos, go to bars to talk about your boring normie life and you brag about your sex life … You couldn't be any more normie if you tried.

    Whats wrong with having tats and talking about something you enjoy? Im a very carnal gont. You seem jelly.

    And static x relates to industrial because wayne played guitar for skinny puppy. You've never even been to an industrial show or any show. Get off my ass, im not your mom
  7. #47
    Hikikomori-Fujoshi African Astronaut
    Skinny Puppy isn't industrial you clueless plebe
  8. #48
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Fujoshi Skinny Puppy isn't industrial you clueless plebe

    I guess it depends your source saying what they are.

    Wikipedia says they are industrial. Even before Wikipedia over 15 years ago people said they were industrial.

    You're really dense and stuck on labels, race, what other people like.
  9. #49
    Hikikomori-Fujoshi African Astronaut
    Retards like you write the articles on Wikipedia.
    That site also says that bands like Rammstein and KMFDM are industrial.
    It all stems from TG signing Clock DVA and Cabaret Voltaire to Industrial records, bands that weren't industrial and made synthy dance music and funk that inspired bands like Front 242 and Skinny Puppy that later inspired Wax Trax, Metropolis Records and bands like NIN.
    If you knew jack shit you would know this already.

    This is what actual Industrial music sounds like

  10. #50
    Hikikomori-Fujoshi African Astronaut
    People in the western media that didn't know any better started labeling anything that sounded dark and mechanical as industrial and it caught on.

    If you read/watch TG interviews and study their music you realize that what people have come to describe as industrial comes from a misunderstanding and misinterpretation of what Industrial actually was.
    If you don't believe me just listen to the words straight from TG's mouths, they never saw bands like EN or skinny puppy as having anything to do with Industrial music.
  11. #51
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Fujoshi People in the western media that didn't know any better started labeling anything that sounded dark and mechanical as industrial and it caught on.

    If you read/watch TG interviews and study their music you realize that what people have come to describe as industrial comes from a misunderstanding and misinterpretation of what Industrial actually was.
    If you don't believe me just listen to the words straight from their mouths, they never saw bands like EN or skinny puppy as having anything to do with Industrial music.

    music changes you dolt it evolves.
  12. #52
    CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    I like whatever I like. I like a lot of teeny bopper music as it were not that i know what that means. But im secure enough in my sexuality that i can be a big ol faggot now and then

    eeee eeeeeeee
  13. #53
    Hikikomori-Fujoshi African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby music changes you dolt it evolves.

    Well yeah ...
    Actual Industrial evolved over time with bands like Contagious Orgasm, Zoviet France, Deutsche Nepal and Telephrique.
    Nobody who is knowledgeable about the genre thinks bands like EN or Skinny Puppy have anything to do with Industrial.
    It all stems from western media ignorance that caught on with fans of EBM and dark electro.

    Educate yourself
  14. #54
    You know the best part about thirteen year olds?

    There's thirteen of them
  15. #55
    CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    postin in a krolologram
  16. #56
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Fujoshi Well yeah …
    Actual Industrial evolved over time with bands like Contagious Orgasm, Zoviet France, Deutsche Nepal and Telephrique.
    Nobody who is knowledgeable about the genre thinks bands like EN or Skinny Puppy have anything to do with Industrial.
    It all stems from western media ignorance that caught on with fans of EBM and dark electro.

    Educate yourself

    You think you're Asian..
  17. #57
    Hikikomori-Fujoshi African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby You think you're Asian..

    I have Asian blood
    My dad is half Chinese and,my grandfather is a badass dude straight from China, I am Asian.
    You're just jealous because you're neither white nor Asian, you're just a Hispanic jew nobody wants not even your parents.
    You envy me.
  18. #58
    Hikikomori-Fujoshi African Astronaut

  19. #59
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Texting underage kids isn't illegall

    A few months ago I got really drunk and went on omegle and talked to this 13 year old girl about life till like 3am. For some reason I thought it was a good idea to stay in touch so I got her number and email.

    The morning after I told her I was just really drunk and that she shouldn't give her number out to strangers online, talked briefly, and then I never contacted her again lol.

    I feel bad for her. She seemed like prime pedo material to me. Pretty, kind, mature. Fantastic kid and I had a good time talking with her. Just couldn't help but think of how easy to manipulate she seemed. Even though it wasn't illegal or necessarily wrong to keep talking to her, it wouldn't have seemed right to me. You become a close friend to someone like that and you might just end up with deciding power over their lives. Kids are so impressionable. I like talking to them but I don't have any business giving a kid advice or guidance. Maybe if we can just talk about videogames or science or something but I was talking to this girl about her family issues and shit.

    Plus I don't want to end up like what happened with Bill Krozby where I've got an angry parent calling me
  20. #60
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace A few months ago I got really drunk and went on omegle and talked to this 13 year old girl about life till like 3am. For some reason I thought it was a good idea to stay in touch so I got her number and email.

    The morning after I told her I was just really drunk and that she shouldn't give her number out to strangers online, talked briefly, and then I never contacted her again lol.

    I feel bad for her. She seemed like prime pedo material to me. Pretty, kind, mature. Fantastic kid and I had a good time talking with her. Just couldn't help but think of how easy to manipulate she seemed. Even though it wasn't illegal or necessarily wrong to keep talking to her, it wouldn't have seemed right to me. You become a close friend to someone like that and you might just end up with deciding power over their lives. Kids are so impressionable. I like talking to them but I don't have any business giving a kid advice or guidance. Maybe if we can just talk about videogames or science or something but I was talking to this girl about her family issues and shit.

    Plus I don't want to end up like what happened with Bill Krozby where I've got an angry parent calling me

    lol ur a skinner! lol jk. I've never saw even some younger people like 21 years old at my age 32 as someone I would want to have a relationship with because they came off as talking about their dollies. Last year around this time I met a girl 22 and we hung out but we really didn't much to say to each other. Like I've dated plenty of bimbos but she was next level.

    But to be honest I really think that the guy was just fronting try to scare me because he was insecure and picked up his girls phone. Like trying to flex. I've other do similar but in a different way, like pick up and be like "HEY WHO'S THIS? I'M AMBERS HUSBAND!"

    That same night that this whole 13 year old shit went down like I messaged amber and we text for a bit and she was like ahhh yeah that guy was a jealous idiot he's gone now. But if you give out your number to tons of guys your bound to have one of them hit you up for a booty call. I have like 5 jessikas in my phone and I think this is one that I've been with before so thats why I hit her up.

    It was just really funny how serious and upset the guy got and you could tell he was totally full of shit. I was laughing at him saying you're full of it dude you're not doing anything, what are you going to tell the cops? THAT YOUR MEANDERING TO CHILDREN!

    I was like get out of here with that bullshit still laughing at him, and he was like FUCK YOU! YOU"RE BEING REPORTED!

    what a simp, like if you can't trust your chicken that much to where you need to go through their shit you probably shouldn't be with them.
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