2020-05-05 at 5:29 PM UTC
Tuskegee Airman
[my gynecological profit-maximising katar]
Don't see why it wouldn't be. Most of the shit they teach you can be learned online or through books and practice. There's no shortage of gay porners out there. Just be good at it. It's not like an actual technical design subject like architechture or engineering.
2020-05-05 at 5:35 PM UTC
Do a rape.
That would be the best thing you ever do with your worthless fucking life.
It will be so "avant-garde"
2020-05-06 at 2:14 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
it doesnt seem engineering is too technicla if anna soysz, a lifelong writer with no coding skills outside basic html tags like <b> any writer knows was able to become w profesional software engineer within months after taking one online hootcamp or course and landing an internship at some company called Stackery. how technicla is that career for her to have done this oh and in her mid 30s again not being any sort of tehcnicla person outside articles written about software which I also have written?
2020-05-06 at 2:15 PM UTC
Maybe it was her lifelong hobby
2020-05-06 at 2:25 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
nope. she never learned any of it before except b brackets or h1 brackets in wordpress. if it was she would boast about it and claim this but never had. show me one of her medium articles showcasing any of her coding skills or proficiencies before thwt bootcamp thwt supposedly transformed her?
2020-05-06 at 9:03 PM UTC
Cathay Coof
African Astronaut
[the ariled affirmatory basinet]
The hard part of coding isn't knowing the syntax