You’re a broke ass geezer living paycheck to paycheck on social security after working hard your entire pathetic life. I’m on track to be a millionaire by 40.
You are so far from being right. As a matter of fact, my town was just awarded the "Safest City In The State" Award, homes in my neighborhood sell for $300.000 to $500,000 and up, I own my home free and clear, I own three vehicles, my credit score is in the 820s and I pay my credit card off every month.
Wanna try again, millionaire?
Let's see some real boobs in this thread, not just the one posting above me!
I paid 200k when I bought it, at last valuation it was 315k prior to the economy taking a shit. Not like I’m trying to sell it right now anyway, but from what I understand housing prices haven’t even been impacted that much yet.