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the corona hoax, the crying nurse

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    seems really fake, just kinda like all those gun grabbers crying fake tears about how we need to ban assault weapons.. this nurse has been exposed that appeared on cbs as a fraud and used a fake name. its another false flag. i live in austin and literally no one I've spoke too knows anyone that has gotten sick. It's fear mongering and controlling the masses of the highest order as we've never seen before. My parents text me yesterday again saying I have to wear a mask or I'll get arrested.. its like um.. well.. send me a mask.. It's just making people look like total tools that believe everything anyone tells them. I'm not going to walk around wearing a mask or a scarf until I actually see that people are dying from this. More people are outside than ever jogging and cycling, and no one is distancting there selves unless they know the person.

    It's such a joke. It's just like people on tinder and stuff posting pictures of themselves with face mask on, like its so edgy its cute, its hip! Like I went to the store with my uncle the other day and he was like where the fuck is your FACE MASK! and I was I don't have one give me one.. wheres yours and he's like I don't want to wear it since nobody else is.

    the people wearing mask are few and far between. I got an update on my phone saying "ALL HEB EMPLOYEES ARE NOT REQUIRED TO WEAR MASK!" and only like a few people are. Where are the live leak videos of them burning bodies and what not? Seems really lame, but people will eat it up with a spork.

    such a fraud.
  2. #2
    It's only old people dying i don't care anymore fuck the boomers
  3. #3
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby i live in austin and literally no one I've spoke too knows anyone that has gotten sick.

    You realize only like 0.1% of the entire US population has been confirmed infected? Obviously you would be very unlikely to know anyone who has it you fucking retard. That’s the point of the lockdown, to keep that number down and apparently it’s working.

    When this is all over, morons like you are probably gonna be telling everyone “yeah I remember that shit, it was all just a fucking dumb hoax, the media freaked everyone out but in the end nothing happened, it only killed the same amount of people as the flu”. Well no shit. But if we had done nothing, it would have been much worse and you wouldn’t think it’s a hoax anymore
  4. #4
    Maybe people should be dying this is Gods will
  5. #5
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
  6. #6
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Fox You realize only like 0.1% of the entire US population has been confirmed infected? Obviously you would be very unlikely to know anyone who has it you fucking retard. That’s the point of the lockdown, to keep that number down and apparently it’s working.

    When this is all over, morons like you are probably gonna be telling everyone “yeah I remember that shit, it was all just a fucking dumb hoax, the media freaked everyone out but in the end nothing happened, it only killed the same amount of people as the flu”. Well no shit. But if we had done nothing, it would have been much worse and you wouldn’t think it’s a hoax anymore

    You sound frothy.
    I bet you believe a few habibs with box cutters took down the world trade center by them selves, starting a 20 year war over chemical weapons they never found, just to steal oil... you are the retard.
  7. #7
    Yes that’s exactly what happened?
  8. #8
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Fox Yes that’s exactly what happened?

    No its not. I bet you also think that the roswell crash was just weather balloons.. lmao you're really dumb.
  9. #9
    I bet he thinks the earth is a sphere... what a fucking retard
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. #10
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I bet he thinks the earth is a sphere… what a fucking retard

    I subscribe to what is known as cubic earth hypothesis
  11. #11
    The Earth is clearly a triangle
  12. #12
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Fake as all fuck. These are crisis actors paid off by the radical leftists and their NWO handlers.
  13. #13
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Fake as all fuck. These are crisis actors paid off by the radical leftists and their NWO handlers.

    Pretty much. People are really indoctrinated.
  14. #14
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    everyone needs to calm down and fuck a nigger.
  15. #15
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by WellHung everyone needs to calm down and fuck a nigger.

    theres some niggers that moved in across the street that I'm sure would be down, but im into that shit their really loud and obnoxious. their cool with me but I wouldn't want to fuck them. I just wanted t buy some weed but the shirtless nig walking around 30 degree weather asking people for cigs didnt know where to get any. lol
  16. #16
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Fake as all fuck. These are crisis actors paid off by the radical leftists and their NWO handlers.

    But what really sucks about this is it shows you how dumbed down people are/ paranoid. It's unfortunate because its changing the way people think based off of lies thats been known to lie to us. And no I don't want people to die, but there are people afraid of other people but will still totally go out in public to the store, hang out with each other but if they don't know you they are afraid, which makes really poor logic considering everyone goes to the grocery store. You would think that kids would die from this but none have.

    All the reports don't really add up about deaths. nobody here knows anyone here that has died or gotten sick, yet will walk around with out mask, my own parents text me again saying its illegal to go out to the store unless I wear a mask, which I'm not going to do.
    My friend I did side work for thats an architect, and someone that I hold in high regard, he's a stand up guy but really afraid because he believes everything anyone tells him.

    A month ago or so I was working at this plant, and they were joking around about the virus how no one is going to get it, the parts come from china and they said the virus will die off by the time it gets here, just crackin' jokes about it and trump.. and this older gont thats pretty cool was like we're talking about for years.. and the teacher was like naaahh we wont here about it anymore in month and they made a bet that we'd be talking about this a month later, but he didn't get the money because we were laid off.

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