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I have 2 interviews tomorrow

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I have a job currently I make pizzas at a bar and stock the bar and coolers I've been there for I guess a month now and its by the uni but until sxsw starts the real work wont start where I'll be at sixth street getting ass fucked with no lube. you know what I mean? And anyways over at the uni location in my hood theres not a lot going on yet, and especially since the kids just got back into skool recently and don't really know about the place so its just the construction worker and I have to work with this one Guatemalan gont for the most part and he's basically an umpalaumpa and he hates the shit out of me almost like he's trying to set me up to fail, but I blew him off the other day and he literally called the owner marc and was standing outside talking (he's been there 15 years) and I can read lips and he was basically calling me a son of a bitch and marco came in and acted kool but I knew something was said, and he was like Doug why do you look tired all the time? Why are you like this and I was super defensive and was like I dont fucking know and he cringed up when I said it like that.

    Anyways, tomorrow I'm off and I have an interview at nine in the morning with allison at an auto parts factory, i guess kinda grunt work like fona was doing at the plastic mold place I'm not really sure but my friend said they will hire me and even an monkey can do it, so I'm going to. I've never worked in a factory before. And once I'm done with that I'm going downtown to make tacos with this lady, its one of those gigs where my interview is to work for free which they do a lot here in austin and its pretty gay, but its only not worked out for me one time, the lady was like you have your own knives? And I was like not good ones and she was like weel ill let you use mine but I dont want you fucking them up. And I was like yeah whatever lady and made my own taco and bailed.

    but its just like I need more money, I've had too borrow money and make embarassing please awhile back in december and I've honestly thought about not doing anything but that wouldn't work out. I quit drinking the last couple days just so this lady won't be questioning me about why I'm shaking, I worked down the street at the british place and the brit gont made me go get a fryer in south austin and it was hot as fuck outside and I was pushing it in with a dolly and I hit it into the wall lol.. and he was pissed and started yelling trying to embarass me and I just went to the bartender girl *new resteraunt* and asked for a shot tequila and she was like okay and poured me one and the owner was sitting there this faggot and was like "OMG I DID NOT JUST FUCKING SEE THAT" and I ran off to the back and he followed me and he was like Doug are you having a bad day and I was yeah I'm having a bad day I'm supposed to be learning how make british breakfast not being your mover and being yelled at and he was like ooh.. okay.. and left me alone.

    But yeah I'd like to get a job at little arlos

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #2
    Grylls Cum Looking Faggot [abrade this vocal tread-softly]
    Look how many people gave a fuck

  3. #3
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Grylls Look how many people gave a fuck

    you give a fuck, you necro bumped it and made a thread about me yesterday how you like some of my post. get of my nads chicken nobody likes your post, you're one of the biggest idiots on here.
  4. #4
    Grylls Cum Looking Faggot [abrade this vocal tread-softly]
    how do i taste?
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