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Poll: How many?
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How many will die?
2020-03-21 at 4:45 PM UTC
2020-03-21 at 4:47 PM UTC
Originally posted by -SpectraL Alex Jones got shut down for reporting they were doing human genetic experiments using animal genetics, and he was absolutely right, though they denied it tooth and nail at the time, then they sued him for reporting nobody died at Sandy Hook, when he never said nobody died, he said it was a false flag operation by the government, and all evidence shows he was absolutely correct once again. So they had to get rid of him and erase him off the entire Internet to shut him up, which they did. Same with Assange, who simply reported the truth, and got ramrodded by several world governments, and is still sitting in a gulag somewhere, with the tyrants in America trying desperately to get at him to kill him. All just for telling the truth about them they don't want people to know. Quite a world we live in now, where truth and justice is the enemy, and evil and corruption and lies and demonic behaviors are the accepted norm.
Gold. You even have the democrats championing lies and deceit; they'd rather be left in the dark about Hillary's corruption. -
2020-03-21 at 4:48 PM UTCIts gonna be eerie the day that specs just stops posting forever and we're left to speculate if he finally passed away or which secret compound hes been taken captive in for knowing too much.
2020-03-21 at 4:49 PM UTC
Originally posted by mmQ Its gonna be eerie the day that specs just stops posting forever and we're left to speculate if he finally passed away or which secret compound hes been taken captive in for knowing too much.
I promise you I'll still be standing on the last day. You won't need to wonder where I went, because I'll still be there. -
2020-03-21 at 4:49 PM UTC“Spectral” isn’t even his main account
2020-03-21 at 4:51 PM UTCAs Spectral has been anticipating for some time, the New World Order finally decided that the human population is too close to carrying capacity, and has nefariously released their biological agents of doom onto the masses. Folks, resources are getting spread too thinly, and it's time to consolidate.👍
2020-03-21 at 4:51 PM UTC
2020-03-21 at 4:52 PM UTC
2020-03-21 at 4:53 PM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-03-21 at 4:56 PM UTC
2020-03-21 at 4:58 PM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-03-21 at 5:10 PM UTC
2020-03-21 at 5:15 PM UTC
2020-03-21 at 5:18 PM UTC
2020-03-21 at 5:25 PM UTC
Originally posted by Fox As a rule I don’t watch Tucker Carlson. He’s not a reporter, he’s just some guy on tv talking about his opinions. He rarely ever uses facts to back up his arguments, he just tries to stoke the flames of his viewers’ outrage for better ratings. Oh but I bet he was the captain of the debate team in high school, the little prick. Him and Hannity are the Don Lemon and Rachel Mad Cow of Fox News.
Id watch if it was Chris Wallace
i watch them ALL- the liberal and conservative news & a few independent news media stations too. 👍🏻
**i always ponder... how one can truly be "informed"?? if my focus is only following "one" direction?** -
2020-03-21 at 6:24 PM UTC“News” is just the middle man. I prefer to get information directly from the source. That’s the only way to truly be informed
2020-03-21 at 6:31 PM UTC
2020-03-21 at 6:33 PM UTC
2020-03-21 at 6:33 PM UTC
2020-03-21 at 6:34 PM UTC