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Regarding liberal places like Santa cruz

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Here is my video to people being shocked by racism in Poland by some street kid:

    It is not shocking at all I've seen kids act tho way all round the world for different reasons. In places where racism is frowned down upon and liberal cities like Santa Cruz I've seen it with my own eyes multiple times right in front of my house but xenophobia instead of racism so it was ok or normal there. They would argue for parking places and have their kids an them tell people to go back over the valley and get out of there as well as put them down that they did no grow up or we're born in their shit small town. It is no different. Because they were not local there they had their kids talk shit to them as they drove on.

    Also to add the differences because it's racism and no Santa Cruz xenophobia they won't get away with it. Santa Cruz xenophobia elitism and superiority culture never he consequences. Look who's side cops took with me and that bar with Kevin market as prime example.
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