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lets analyze panic buying

  1. #21
    Originally posted by Octavian Tl;dr

    Shut up consooomer go buy more rice and toilet paper
  2. #22
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Shut up consooomer go buy more rice and toilet paper

    Lots of Americans are buying guns and ammo
  3. #23
    Good they can all kill themselves
  4. #24
    Originally posted by WellHung Lots of Americans are buying guns and ammo

    Ive been seeing a lot more people of color at the gun store and shooting range lately. You almost never see them there.
  5. #25

    Originally posted by Misguided Russian Ive been seeing a lot more people of color at the gun store and shooting range lately. You almost never see them there.

    They usually just steal the guns and ammo from the homes of white people...things are serious if they are actually purchasing them.
  6. #26
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood We joke about toilet paper hoarders filling their spare rooms with two-ply, but it’s a symptom of a bigger problem – we’re addicted to consumerism, and even the idea of not being able to buy whatever we want, whenever we want is enough to make us lose our bloody minds.

    Civilisation has been built on scarcity but the idea is so foreign to first-world modern life we don’t even know where to start. With all the world’s technology and knowledge at our fingertips, we’re planning to survive for months on pasta and toilet paper. People are panic-buying flour with no real idea what they’re going to do with it.

    your forgetting that these peoplemhave had practises, lots of it.

    remember when the latest appple came out ? they're there in simulated panic buying mode. that new PS comming out ? they're there too.

    it is human nature to struggle and endure great hardship to attain something they wanted or needed, its the thing yhat gave us that evolutionary edge over other specieses and tribes.

    which i failed miserably today. i couldnt even get a loaf of bread, went to 5 different supermarkets. the q is jist way too long and i gave up.
  7. #27
    the truth is people enjoy panic buying.
  8. #28
    Make cornbread or earth bread you retarded nigger. My girlfriend has been making bread for fun long before any panic was going on
  9. #29
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Make cornbread or earth bread you retarded nigger. My girlfriend has been making bread for fun long before any panic was going on

    i only have a keetle and an induction cooker.
  10. #30
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood My girlfriend has been making bread for fun

    This is what happens folks when you don't have any income or life...mixing flour and water together becomes "fun"
  11. #31
    Hey don't criticize my gf and her hobbies. She likes to cook random stuff that she sees on the internet and feed it to me. I love girls like that, you come over and they are like OMG TRY THIS DO U LIKE IT I SAW IT ON FACEBOOK.

    Yesterday she made chick peas and rice for no reason and it was fucking delicious.
  12. #32
    I feel bad now, especially after hearing about the peas and rice.
  13. #33
    She also makes stuff like raspberry dark chocolate cakes from scratch. I don't have much of a sweet tooth though I like monk food like granola and fried tofu
  14. #34
    What about spotted dick and custard? I love me some home made custard slathering all over my spotted dick.
  15. #35
    I'm sure she knows what that is. Her dad is very British and eats his pizza with a knife and fork like a proper brit
  16. #36
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson This is what happens folks when you don't have any income or life…mixing flour and water together becomes "fun"

    this made me imagine the two of them kneading a lump of dough together while unchained melody plays in the background.

    Ghost reboot 2020 should be diversity and lbgt friendly.
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