2020-03-16 at 1:14 PM UTC
Cause they don't understand why someone would try and meet a 12 year old, let alone an ex con.
2020-03-16 at 1:17 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
they dont know my whole criminal history all thy know is I was deported from usa and did time. why the stupid snide remarks?
2020-03-16 at 1:18 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
they dont make any disticntion either. you could tll them any reason and theyll look at you and tteat you like shit or wont even belive you and think you must have sent someone to a hospital if you got just in a fight ith a luciano or something.
2020-03-16 at 1:19 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
they wont make any disticntion any reason to them to these bar whores or hookers or barflies in irish pubs is your a leaser thsn coctavian. oh and regarding your comment wbove, its not my fault you were moleted by your uncle ws a kid.
2020-03-16 at 1:21 PM UTC
Tell us more about how you were victimized and beaten bloody by luciano and Markley.
2020-03-16 at 1:21 PM UTC
It was my aunt (non-blood aunt) that molested me.
2020-03-16 at 1:22 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
lol you really think theyd send me away for both these guys if i lost or hot beat up by them?
2020-03-16 at 1:22 PM UTC
I feel like getting some cider.
2020-03-16 at 1:25 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
in your case what do you mean preface? thwt ai did time? thwt i got in a fight? thwt i got deported? i mean which of these things is enough for some hooker or some white pollack trash in some pub to feel superior to me? or some shitty Warsaw social meeting they go to gold dig foreigners or because theyre bored losers in shitty corporwte jobs?
2020-03-16 at 1:26 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
or because they are uppity women with wine glasses and blakc dresses judging everyone aeound them thinking theyre superior thst came to poland for work from some foreign usa corporwtion?
2020-03-16 at 1:27 PM UTC
Why go to places where these assholes congregate? It's like being homophobic but going to gay bars and smashing fags' heads in.
You hate them cause you ain't them...
2020-03-16 at 1:30 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
so thats what you meant. either eay they then judge something ehich thry know nothing about nor were there during the enfounter or the ncounters i had leading to the saidd eportation were they? that nakes them no diff than those morons in the movie titanic judging leonardo di caprio because he was a street hustler and poor right?
2020-03-16 at 1:30 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
my point still stabds, where do all those youtube ex cons meet thoee chicks?
2020-03-16 at 1:31 PM UTC
Wrong...as per the example I cited. You don't need to know the full story to evaluate whether you'd be interested in it or not.