star trek cutting and pasting images together already available from other sources or from photography is pretty much the easiest gay porn you can do. creating everything froms cratch and its till looking half as good is thet rifky and hard part especially only using your mind and not refernces from other sources. ive created plenty of photo manipulations as well it really is not hard star trek or posting some texts on the side of an image with some logos or emblems i found online. not hard star trek.
lol jsut because it is blue and has bright colors and the font is big wnd colorful doesnt make the image above skillful or anything a 10 yr old couldnt make star trek.
i can star trek but am not a gay or into gay colors like pink or blue youre into lol. youre one of those guys who also likes clouds and riwnbows and all that feminine gay shit rught while im into scifi, dystopia and dark shit men are into.
lol you seriously are trying to get me to prove i can out a picture of myself with a thick white stroke on a bright blue baxkground with smiley faces and hearts around? you know what that would even do to my reputation?
oh it is easy to do. Ive done everything like that wnd more but eithiut the gwy colors riwnbows and hearts trust me. ive created an entire text using the illustrator pen tool from scratch eith my own background:
i have also done someting similar but less gay using pictures of an event i attended last year in the uk for gamers again eithout the homo fag fonts and colors and entirely on an iPad:
why do i need to steal some shit or have gayness like smiley faces romsay i have done similar stuff or know exactly ho she did it wnd it is reslly the type of shit i started out in gay porn with or beginner level of cutting and passting shit i seemom the web.
Star Trek, this is literally years and years ago. Before I eben knew how to use Illustrrator and only had the original iPad. This was created or I created it as I was learning Photoshop on my iMac which I still have although cant update the OS anymore due to Apple not allowing people with it to sign into App Store or itunes to be able to update in the first place. And this super early work literally is more impressive and harder to do than what she did above:
Originally posted by Wariat
Star Trek, this is literally years and years ago. Before I eben knew how to use Illustrrator and only had the original iPad. This was created or I created it as I was learning Photoshop on my iMac which I still have although cant update the OS anymore due to Apple not allowing people with it to sign into App Store or itunes to be able to update in the first place. And this super early work literally is more impressive and harder to do than what she did above:
Whatever you say. The clouds are less wh9ite and there is less stroke and no gay shit involved lol.And it is not cut out or cropped from the frame lol.
Originally posted by Wariat
Star Trek, this is literally years and years ago. Before I eben knew how to use Illustrrator and only had the original iPad. This was created or I created it as I was learning Photoshop on my iMac which I still have although cant update the OS anymore due to Apple not allowing people with it to sign into App Store or itunes to be able to update in the first place. And this super early work literally is more impressive and harder to do than what she did above: