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Merry Christmas- get down on it...
2019-12-30 at 8:54 PM UTC
2019-12-30 at 8:55 PM UTC
2019-12-30 at 9:18 PM UTC
2019-12-30 at 9:19 PM UTC
2019-12-30 at 9:25 PM UTC
2019-12-30 at 9:26 PM UTC
2019-12-30 at 9:27 PM UTCHuman scum bag, nice Bill Krozby. Worth the edit.
Couldn't even just say cum bag -
2019-12-30 at 9:32 PM UTCwhy would I say cum bag? its called a scum bag..
get down on it.. get down in it..
2019-12-30 at 9:33 PM UTC
2019-12-30 at 9:37 PM UTC
2019-12-30 at 10:48 PM UTCRussian Misguided
We should start a business were we send overweight Fat Americans to your country to whip them into shape and then get plastic surgery for the extra flesh left behind after you run them through a 6 month Bootcamp training.
All in one package deal. there are so many overweight young women here. It's gross.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-01-02 at 4:54 AM UTC
2020-01-02 at 5:05 AM UTC
2020-01-02 at 5:10 AM UTC
2020-01-02 at 5:36 AM UTCKid my beard is the subject of deified folklore. Right now there is someone somewhere w/ a child perched upon their lap speaking on the day they came across the majestic mane & frame.
2020-01-02 at 12:58 PM UTCAh yes, i think I've heard of it. Barbegazi, is it?
2020-03-01 at 7:45 PM UTC
Originally posted by Solstice You'll cowards don't even get to go the aquarium on a daily basis
I've never taken someone for something in exchange, however I have taken other homeless I know,as well as strangers since I have a year pass and can bring a guest with me.
I go rather frequently. At least once a week, and often everyday. Last month I went 20 days of the month. I love it, and love seeing my pignose water turtle in the Australian exhibit. The rainforest is cool too and where I do a lot of my writing and drawing.
Despite me using dope for pain relief, my life doesn't totally revolve around it, and while I am homeless, I do spend money on things that are good for my mental health. This is probably the best money I've spent on that since I it helps put me in a good mood quite often even when shit is shitty.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-03-01 at 8:18 PM UTC^^^ fucks niggersThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-03-01 at 10:06 PM UTChow is it possible for someone to be teetering so close on the edge of death time after time again for so long and remain alive?
The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!